Art, Portraits and Deep Thinking.

We began our second case study (Art) by evaluating and analysing works of art by various artists including some works by Jonathan Yeo. We discussed as a class What we liked about certain portraits and why. During a gallery walk, we then delved deeper into the choices the artist made e.g. the medium the artist used to create the portrait and why as well as questioning the colour choices and the impact these have on the overall composition. To finish, we began to think about why these people were chosen to have their portraits made and, if we were to make our own, who would we choose?

Expedition: MLK Speech and research

Today, we worked with our shoulder partners to skim and scan for information (as well as retrieving knowledge we already knew) about Martin Luther King Junior, why he was important and what change he instigated. We discussed and witnessed how captivating he was as a spokesman for equal rights. His language is full of metaphors which we broke down and put them into our own words.