Today was Written Day where Crew Wilkinson delved deep into the text answering a variety of retrieval, inference and prediction questions about our current text. We then went through our answers as a crew and developed our answers, listening and supporting each other to achieve! What are you reading at home at the moment?
Crew Wilkinson: Mixed Number Fractions
We worked incredibly hard adding mixed number fractions today. Breaking them apart, converting to the same denominator, adding wholes and fractions then converting any improper fractions into mixed numbers. So many steps but we worked hard on our resilience and triumphed. Well done Crew Wilkinson!
Expedition: MLK Speech and research
Today, we worked with our shoulder partners to skim and scan for information (as well as retrieving knowledge we already knew) about Martin Luther King Junior, why he was important and what change he instigated. We discussed and witnessed how captivating he was as a spokesman for equal rights. His language is full of metaphors which we broke down and put them into our own words.