Puppet Show Fun in EYFS

The children in EYFS had a special visitor recently! They were very lucky to be able to attend a real Punch and Judy puppet show from Mr Dan. His puppet character friends were so funny, they made us laugh so much! We used what we had learned in the classroom in our small world area where we created our own puppets and puppet shows, building on our story telling and speaking and listening skills. 

Crew MI Reading Cafe

On Thursday, we had a lovely morning at the Reading Cafe. We have started our new book ‘Pig Heart Boy’ and read the first two chapters with ‘cuppa a biscuit’

Celebrating ‘Awesome’ Habits of Work and Learning

This week I was lucky enough to have a McDonalds lunch with our Carcroft Superstars. These children celebrated their fabulous HoWLs scores with a McDonalds Party Lunch. These pupils have demonstrated that throughout the last half term, their attitude towards learning has really been awesome, showing a working hard to get smart attitude whilst being kind along the way; demonstrating this day in day out, week in and week out.

These pupils are a credit to themselves, their parents, us as a school and to the community of Carcroft.

It was such a pleasure to be able to sit and chat with them and enjoy an hour in their company. What a truly beautiful afternoon- I can’t wait to do it again next half term and maybe with even more pupils?

Feeling proud x

Hook Week in Crew MI

Welcome back everyone! We hope you all had a lovely Easter break!

Yesterday we started our hook week with a history day! We started to think about periods of history and which significant people and groups we could remember. From here we did our own research to find specific dates and started to order these using BC and AD. We then worked as a crew to create a paper chain of periods of time throughout history. We then used the images on our anchor chart to predict what we thought the guiding question may be. We realised that one image was a plague doctor, we enjoyed discussing this. We then had a go at drawing our own plague doctors, we all worked really hard and showed some great concentration skills.

Young Voices

If your child is attending the Young voices concert tomorrow and you have not purchased tickets and would like to, we have 5 tickets and also 3 t-shirts available to buy. These will be on a first come, first serve basis. The tickets are £20 each, t-shirts £12. If you would like to purchase either of these please ring the Admin team on 01302 722353.

Crew MI final product

We had a lovely proud moment on Friday for our Fantastic Friday Crew! We shared our final product for our last expedition ‘How have trains been on a journey of change?’ Crew MI are proud to say that we are now published authors. Hope you have had a lovely weekend and enjoyed looking at our beautiful work. Well done everyone 🙂