Eggcellent Competition

It was lovely to see so many children take part in the egg competition. You could see they’d really put some though into their design. I especially loved the Black lives matters theme which linked to our current expedition.

A huge well done to everyone that took part.

A even bigger well done to the winners… Chase and Izzy- voted for by their peers.

Mother’s Day Brunch 🌷🥐

Today, we invited the wonderful ladies in our lives to join us for a Mother’s Day brunch. It was lovely to see so many smiling faces and it was a really enjoyable morning!

Our beautiful butterfly Mother’s Day cards and bunches of daffodils ready for our special ladies 🦋💖

Super Story Tellers!

In Crew Welburn, we have been looking at the story of Jack and the Beanstalk! The children have loved using the props to re-tell the story, and have used these alongside the book to draw a story map today. The children used their maps to re-tell the story using some of our new words. I was very impressed with the detail that they could remember! Below you can see some examples of work from Aubree, Penelope and Jasper who were all very proud of their achievements…🌟