Together We Grow.

This week in reading, we have been looking at the poem titled “Together We Grow.”

Today, the children performed the poem. Some children recited their verse’s with quiet contemplation, while others brought their lines to life with bold gestures.

Together, they created a beautiful mosaic of voices that truly captured the essence of the poem.

We are Authors

During our recent writing lessons, we have been writing a diary from the perspective of a 10 year old girl in the 1960s and her dads making her attend MLKs speech. The children have loved writing a diary and are now writing their own at home, which is lovely to see.

Shelter building

We throughly enjoyed using our scout skills in Scottie’s today and made our own shelters! We got quite territorial and started adding thinks to make it homely ready for potential survival!

Conductors and Insulators

We really enjoyed learning about and investigating conductors and insulators. We discussed how to keep our test fair and what variables were keeping the same and changing. We wrote our own methods ensuring we were using time fronted adverbials. In mini-crews we then carried out the investigation to see which materials were conductors (allowed electricity to pass through) and insulators (did not allow electricity to pass through). We then recorded this in a results table and wrote our conclusion.