On the bus!

Today in our experience lesson we pretended to be on a bus. We all bought our tickets from bus driver Nandi and found somewhere to sit. There were people listening to music, drinking their coffee and even reading a book. Unfortunately there were more people than seats so some people had to stand up! We rang the bell and got off at the train station!

I was absolutely blown away by some of the writing today.

Humanism in RE

Today we looked at what makes humans special and we explored humanist beliefs. We watched a range of video clips to build background knowledge and discussed our own ideas and opinions on each. We discussed the key beliefs of humanists explained in the video clips. We then thought about what we think is inside a human and created an anchor chart. We thought about what makes us happy and what makes us feel important. We worked in mini crews to discuss our ideas. We then explored the symbol below thinking about why it may be chosen and what it suggests about humanist beliefs. Lots of great discussion today 🙂

LKS2 – Family Learning

It was great to see so many grown ups join us for our family learning last week. We learning about the teeth, made a model with marshmallows before building the digestive system using play dough. It was great hearing the children teach their parents about the different types of teeth and how the digestive system works. And of course, we ended with a Kahoot quiz which showcased everything we had learned during the week.

Grappling with length

Yesterday we recapped the units of measure then really focussed on mm’s and cm’s. By the end of the lesson we could all use a ruler accurately to measure in both mm’s and cm’s and we could draw a variety of lines. We looked at both whole cm’s and also other increments. We checked our partners work too, giving critique where errors had been made.

Xp Outdoors(Turtles)

So the weather was really bad in our forest area so we were unable to in there but it didn’t stop us from doing what we normal do in there. We made our very own turtles, using wool, lollipop sticks and felt tip pens.

Digestion – How does it work?

After learning about the organs involved with digesting out food, we learned about how each organ plays a vital role in the digestion of food. We discovered the journey that food takes and what happens to it in each stage. To help with this we were able to complete an experiment which shows what happens to food. This did get a little messy but we had fun and really helped our understanding.

Where do the bones and organs go?

Before learning about the digestive system, we built a human. Children worked together to cut out the bones and organs before deciding where they thought they should go. We were pretty good at deciding where the bones should go but needed a little support with the organs. We then narrowed it down to the organs that are involved with digesting our food.

How do different liquids effect our teeth?

To help us understand the effects of different liquids on our teeth, we conducted an experiment. We used an egg shell which is similar to the enamel of our teeth and placed it into 5 different liquids – coke, orange juice, dilute, coffee and water. We predicted which liquid would cause the most damage. The majority of the crew thought this was coke, however, we were in for a surprise.

After a week, we observed the changes to the egg. Surprisingly, the egg with the most damage was the one in pure orange. This caused a thin layer to peel off and left the surface mottled and rough. Although, fruit is good for us we need to ensure we brush our teeth because the natural sugar in fruit can damage our teeth.