Today, we had a very exciting start to the term and kicked off hook week with a first aid course. We learnt about how to give CPR, check for dangers, call the emergency services, how to use a defibrillator and an epi-pen. We then talked in detail about what we had learnt and made suggestions for what we thought our guiding question for this next expedition would be.
Crew Shields – French
We have been looking at months of the year in French. We began by trying to find the matching pair to the word cards on our tables using a silent conversation protocol. One person had the English word and the other person had the French translation for months of the year. We discussed how we knew we had found the correct pair and we used our existing knowledge as well as identifying cognates for some of the months.
We watched a video and listened carefully to each of the months in French. If we heard our birthday month we had to stand up.
We then used the iPads to research various different important events that happen in France. We had to find out the month that the events usually happen and write this down using the French spelling. Just like days of the week, French months do not need capital letters at the beginning.
We finished off by learning how to ask and answer ‘when is your birthday?’ in French. We discussed with our partners and then shared the information we had found with the rest of the crew and confirmed whether this information was correct.
Crew Shields – French
During this lesson, we investigated French days of the week. We looked at the written days of the week and tried to identify which day was which based on any clues we could get from the spelling. We found some slight similarities in terms of some spelling, initial letters and pronunciation when they were said out loud to us.
We noticed that, unlike in English, the days of the week are not given capital letters in French. So that we could practise pronunciation and order, we listened to and began to learn a days of the week song set to a familiar tune ‘Camptown Races’.
We finished by looking at the French translations for yesterday, today and tomorrow. We practised our pronunciation by using sentence stems to create conversations in pairs.
Crew Shields – French
We have been looking at learning French numbers 1-31. From our previous French learning we were quite confident with numbers up to 12 and so we spent time looking at the written words for numbers 13-31 as well as practising our pronunciation.
We then had a go at doing simple mathematics using only French numbers. We had to work together to work out the numbers we needed to add/subtract before then working out the answer and giving the answer in French. This really got us thinking!
Crew Hamill, Crew Thompson and Crew Mcloughlin – French
During this lesson, we used our knowledge of French numbers up to 12 to play French outdoor games on the playground! We discussed the French for common phrases such as your turn, my turn, winner, and miss a turn before heading out!
First, in small groups we had to use a diagram to draw out our game area. This game ‘la marelle’ was similar to hopscotch. We used chalk to draw out the game area before taking it in turns to throw the rock to a number. We had to call out the number 1 in French before skipping to the end of the grid ‘le ciel’ (the sky), coming back to ‘la terre’ (the earth) and collecting the rock to pass on to the next person, saying à toi (your turn). The next person then had to throw the rock on to the next number and repeat the same process. If the player did not roll the rock onto the correct number they had to shout ‘manque’ to show they were missing a turn. The winner ‘gagne’ was the first person to accurately throw the rock to number 10 and move along the game area to get to ‘le ciel’.
Crew Hamill, Crew Thompson and Crew Mcloughlin – French
This lesson we were looking at the skill of being able to read numbers 1-12 in French.
We used word cards for the numbers 1-12 to try and put them in the correct order.
We then discussed how to talk about and ask ‘how many?’ in French. We practised our pronunciation and understanding by turning over unknown picture cards and asking ‘Il y a combien?’ after counting in French, our partner then had to find the corresponding written number card to create a pair.
Crew Hamill, Crew Thompson and Crew Mcloughlin – French
In French we have been looking at how to say our ages, as well as ask other people how old they are. We started by becoming language detectives, identifying areas of French that we already knew or could find cognates/near cognates for within a letter. We discussed what we could find out from the letter and key questions that had been asked. This helped us with working out particular phrases useful to our lesson.
We then looked at how to say ‘I am ____ years old’ in French. We added an amount of candles to the image on the board and practised the pronunciation of the phrase ‘J’ai _____ ans’. We then looked at how to ask someone how old they are in French before asking and answering the questions using our new French knowledge.
We then played some games where we had to listen carefully to either our teacher or our crew members to identify what they were telling us.
Crew MW – End of Spring 2 round-up
We did lots of exciting things during our final weeks of Spring 2.
We planted our own sunflower seeds and can’t wait to see how they grow! We carefully made sure that our seeds had enough compost before looking at our tiny seeds and even whispering kind things to them so that they would grow beautifully. We then made sure that they were well covered and we will keep checking in on them so that they grow into super sunflowers!
As well as planting our own seeds that will turn into flowers, we looked carefully at the different parts of flowers that had already grown. We talked about the stem, the leaves and the petals. We carefully dissected each of the parts, thinking about what they looked like, how the felt and we even smelt the petals! We then used the parts to create natural art. We also used some of the petals to add to our water tray to make beautiful potions and perfumes!
We also looked at the Easter story and talked about why Easter is important and the need for us to celebrate it many years later.
We spent some time admiring our beautiful work from this expedition that is now on display outside our classroom. We enjoyed spotting ourselves and our friends on the pictures, finding our work and talking about all the fantastic learning we have done this term!
Finally, we celebrated our fantastic Spring Term by inviting our lovely grown ups into school to our Celebration of Learning. We performed our song ‘Gingerbread Man on the Run’ before completing Easter crafts with our grown ups. We also shared our beautiful work books and talked about all of the hard work we had done this term.
A big thank you to all the grown ups who came in to share this event with the children – they have worked so hard and we are all so proud of what they have achieved!
A really busy, but really fun term! Well done Crew MW, you are all superstars!
Crew Mcloughlin – Music
During this lesson, we began looking at performing the Twinkle theme on pitched instruments. We used glockenspiels and worked hard to use the notations to ensure we were playing the correct notes with the correct rhythm.
We then thought about how we could create a new variation based upon the changes we had discussed in our previous lesson as well as some new suggestions. Working with a partner, we created a short variation before sharing these with the rest of our crew. We tried to identify how the performers had created their new variation as well as praising and offering critique for improvement next time.
Crew Godley and Crew Robson – Music
We continued with our work on ‘Trains’ during music by thinking of different sounds that you would hear on a train or that a train makes. We thought about how we could use our voices and body percussion to create these sounds.
We then practised following a conductor using crescendo and diminuendo actions whilst performing the train sounds we had decided upon.
Miss McGlone played us a rhythm using a drum and after a discussion, we decided that this rhythm could be used to represent the wheels of the train. She then used a shaker to play a beat that was twice as fast as the drum. We said that this could represent the passengers on the train jiggling along as the train moved. Finally, she played a guiro that went twice as fast as the shaker. This represented the sound of the engine. We talked about how the drum and the shaker could stay at their original beat whilst all being layered on top of each other. We listened to an example of how each individual beat could be played at the same time to create a piece representing multiple different parts of a train journey.
We are ready to begin creating our own compositions next lesson that include lots of rhythms layered on top of each other, as well as using crescendo and diminuendo techniques.