Crew Hamill have just begun their maths unit on money. Today, we focused on pounds and pence, identifying what each of the notes and coins that we use look like and discussing their value. We then worked in mini crews to create different amounts using imitation money which we loved! We couldn’t believe how real it looked! We also looked at groups of money and had to use our counting skills to work out the total amounts.
Book Talk and Demo Comp – The Invisible Clothes
This week, Crew Hamill have really enjoyed our reading book. To begin with, we were a little confused as to what ‘The Invisible Clothes’ might be and we made predictions that it might be clothes that turned you invisible once you were wearing them – a little bit like Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak. Once we had analysed some of the vocabulary and read a brief introduction to the story, we realised that it was actually about a tailor who was tricking someone into buying ‘invisible’ clothes. He was actually stealing the Emperor’s money and pretending to make clothes for him! We have loved reading this story and finding out if the Emperor would be silly enough to go along with the tailor and do his usual procession around town in his ‘invisible clothes’. We found it very funny that he went along with it! During demonstration comprehension, we deepened our inference skills by focusing on 3 inference questions. This allowed us to further develop the skill of finding evidence in the text to support our own thinking.
Experience day 2
In writing today the children had to taste some sweets and then describe what they looked, taste and touched like
In writing today we started with chotting round the picture using adjectives
Diverse Doncaster – Exploring Christianity
This week Crew Robson have loved starting their first case study all about Christianity.
To begin with we explored what historians are and how they use primary and secondary sources to find out information about that past. We learnt that photographs, weapons and clothes are primary sources whereas newspapers and documentaries are secondary sources.
We then looked closer at what religion is.
Did you know…
In Doncaster, half of the population are Christians (51%)
Christianity is the largest religious group. This is 156,747 people
For our next two lessons we explored why God is important to Christians and what they believe God is like. We have had some fantastic discussions and I have been amazed by the questions they have been asking.
Crew Boswell – Diary Entries in Writing
This week, we have started writing diary entries based on our anchor text, Pig Heart Boy. We’ve enjoyed the experience days. To help us understand the main character, Cam, we acted out some freeze frames from the book and tried to guess which part of the story each group had chosen.
Following this, we were in a position to start our writing. To help build our ideas, we completed a silent conversation so we could “all talk at once” and show our creative side! It’s much easier writing when we can magpie the best ideas.
All this planning opportunity has really helped us with our first plot point and we enjoyed being able to share what we’d written with our friends. Keep an eye out for our published work when we finish them!
In our Scotties session this week, Mick really worked us hard to make sure we saved the castle. We had to do a variety of different exercises before we got there. We were tired by the end of the session but it was good to move our bodies and work our muscles.
Drawing pictograms
Today in maths, we built on our previous knowledge of interpreting pictograms and used this to help us draw pictograms. The most important thing to do is read the key! Once you know what the key is, you can draw the symbols for the pictogram!
In PE today, we continued to work on our skills needed for rounders. First, we warmed up by practicing our underarm throw. We remembered that we had to step forward with our opposite leg so we are balanced. We had to make sure we were ready to catch the ball by looking at our partner with our hands out ready. Then, we did the exact same but practicing the overarm throw. Again, we had to use the opposite foot when setting forward and make sure our throwing elbow was in line with our shoulder. We then discussed what a “no-ball” is in rounders. The umpire calls no-ball when the bowler bowls the ball too high (above the head), too low (below the knee) too wide (out of the batting square) or too close (no ball body). We then had a mini game to put all the skills into practice. We had a bowler, batter, back stop, umpire and some fielders. We really enjoyed todays PE lesson and can’t wait to continue to practice these skills next week.
In our latest computing session we learnt all about what debugging is (which doesn’t actually have anything to do with real life bugs!), how we identify them in an algorithm and how we can fix them! We then had a go at doing some ‘debugging’ ourselves. We worked in pairs and used maps and directions to spot the ‘bug’. We were really good at this! As a crew we then had a go at rewriting the correct algorithm. We then finished the lesson by sharing everything that we had learnt about ‘debugging’!