End of Half Term Treat

Crew Hamill LOVED our bouncy castle treat at the end of this half term! We also managed to convince Miss Hamill to finally make us all a cup of tea! Miss Hamill made a deal with Jenson that if his howls improved as the half term went on, she would make him a cup of tea as he’d been asking for one all half term. We supported Jenson in this so Miss Hamill made one for everyone! Well done, Jenson 🙂 and to the rest of Crew Hamill for your support!

Arithmetic Superstars!

In academic crew this morning, Crew Mcloughlin have reflected on their performance in their latest arithmetic test and wow did we deserve a massive celebration! A high percentage of children have improved their score and some by a whopping 15 marks! We could not be prouder of each and every child in our Crew. The hard work is definitely paying off!

Crew Challenge

In Crew challenge this week, we had to work together as a small crew to keep the balloon from touching the floor. We realised very quickly that we needed to use small taps and try to hit it straight up. Some great team work.

Crew Building – Time to Thrive!

Today, Crew Hamill were extremely lucky as they got to spend some time with Ms Haddock and take part in a few crew building activities. For our first activity, we played ‘spiders web’ in which we had to work as a mini crew to get ourselves through the gaps of the spiders web without touching the chains. We started off easy by going through the middle hole but then it was made more difficult when we had to get lower down to go through the bottom hole and somehow get higher up to get through the top hole. This is where we really needed our crew mates! In the second activity, we had to get from one side of the room to the other without touching the ‘water’. We could only stand on ‘land’ (within the hoops). We had to figure out the best way to get everyone safely from one side of the room to the other without anyone landing in the water.

Caring crew in MI

Today we built on our discussion last week, talking about the members in our family and creating our own family tree. We talked about how our family members support us and how we support our family. We worked in mini crews to create a family alphabet, using each letter to describe how we help our families.

Who are my family?

In crew, we discussed how important our families are and how these might look different to other people. We started by swapping seats with others based on whether they had siblings, pets etc. Then the children has the opportunity to draw their family.

Caring crew in MI

Today we started to talk about who is in our family, the people who love us and why our families make us safe. First of all we played a game standing in a circle. We changed places with others in the circle based on criteria eg. If we have a brother, sister, a dog, a pet. We enjoyed seeing who shared similar family members. We then looked at a series of pictures and thought about what we notice about the pictures, what is the same and what is different. This allowed for some great discussions. We then discussed our families in more detail, describing them, talking about what they do and what they like. Our debrief allowed us to think about our job within our families. We talked about being kind and showing respect. We then discussed our school crew and how our jobs within the crew are very similar. Some great discussions today MI 🙂

Citizenship crew in MI

Today we started to think about changes and how they make us feel. We thought how it felt starting a new class, what we are looking forward to and the things we will miss from the last academic year. We talked about the changes we have experienced since we started our school journey in FS2. We talked about the effects of change and the importance of a positive mindset. We then thought about the word resilience, what this is and how we can show we are resilient in everything we do. We then worked in mini crews to share the ways in which we can show we are resilient.