This morning in community crew, Crew MW looked at a lollipop person and what their job is. We talked about how they can help us to cross the road safely, and how we can cross the road safely if there isn’t a lollipop person to help us. We had lots of fun going into our outdoor area to practice crossing the road safely!
In maths today, Crew MW have been listening carefully to the amount of sounds that they heard and counting these into their five frames. They used the objects to represent the numbers and talked about how many squares were full and how many were empty. I’m really impressed with how hard all of the children worked and how smart they were getting with representing their numbers!
This morning in crew, we looked at a story called ‘Topsy and Tim help a friend’. We paused the video to look at the different actions each character carried out and discussed whether they were kind choices, or unkind choices. Here were some of the things we talked about…
What were the unkind children doing?
They tripped the boy up! – Emma
Then they laughed at him when he fell down – Harlow
They threw his bag – Araya
They were bullying him! – Kingsley
Because they did lots of unkind things, not just one and it made it made him sad – Hilaryanna.
They tricked him! – Alyssa
What did Topsy and Tim do to help?
They told the grown ups – Elsie
Then the grown ups talked to all the children. The boy was kind then and he said sorry – Max
We learnt a lot about kind and unkind actions from this story!
Crew MW enjoyed their snack and milk in the library today! We voted to read ‘The Very Busy Spider’ by Eric Carle. We really enjoyed repeating the familiar phrases and looking at the colourful illustrations in this story!
This morning’s crew challenge was to work in a mini crew to build the tallest tower! We decided to use our blocks from the small world area and to work in teams of boys and girls to create the towers. We worked hard to make sure everyone was included and to build the tallest, strongest towers!
Crew MW have been exploring repeating patterns this week in maths. We have copied patterns, continued patterns and made our own patterns using cubes, vehicles and natural resources around provision. We even challenged ourselves to spot the mistake in Miss Welburn’s patterns!
This week in Crew MW, we’ve been learning all about the Hindu festival of light – Diwali! We’ve explored how Diwali is celebrated through looking at photographs and videos, and we have seen that they set off fireworks as part of their celebrations, just like we do on Bonfire Night!
After we had looked at our photos and the videos, we had an exciting visitor! Miss Shelley came in to do a Diwali dance workshop with us all! We had so much fun and learnt lots of new dance moves!
After our Diwali dancing, we looked at Diva Lamps and thought about how we could make these out of clay. We rolled the clay into a ball, squashed it down and then used the end of a rolling pin to make indentations for the candle. Once we had shaped the lamps, we used the clay tools to create patterns on them. We can’t wait for them to dry out so that we can paint them!
In provision, we have also been using the beads, pasta and coloured sand to make Rangoli patterns! We’ve loved learning all about Diwali!
Crew MW have been exploring mass in maths today. We have been using our scales to weigh objects and compare which one is heavy and which one is light. We were really good at using our mathematical language to compare!
This week, we have been grouping objects and talking about similarities and differences in maths! We’ve used our natural objects to create groups, and used the language, ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ to compare the groups.