Caring Crew in MI

Today we described some of the risks of inactivity to ourselves and others. We looked at how much daily exercise different age groups should be getting over a day and over a week. This surprised some of us!We then explored some of the major risks for people that are inactive. We tried to think of different ways we could increase our activity levels during 4 different scenarios. We worked well in mini crews to build ideas before sharing back with the whole crew. Our debrief allowed us to set our own pledges to increase our levels of physical activity.

Time in MI

What an amazing maths lesson we had today! We explored a clock thinking about the minute and hour hands then looked at o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We showed different times on our clocks and also had a try at writing the time. We will continue to work on our time knowledge tomorrow where we will explore other time intervals.

RE in Crew MI

What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?

We started the lesson by thinking about what a person might encounter throughout their life and made a list of the top five most important things that would support us through this journey. We then linked this to the five pillars of Islam as they provide structure for Islamic daily spiritual life. We discussed the five pillars of Islam in great detail and watched a clip which showed us what these were and how they affect a Muslim.

Caring Crew in MI

Today we talked about the the physical and mental benefits of being active. We discussed the last activity we did that was physically demanding then discussed the main benefits of physical activity. Our activity allowed us to think about the practical ways that can increase our physical activity levels. Our debrief allowed us to make our own pledges that will increase our own physical and mental wellbeing.

Experience day in MI

Today we started our new writing unit, a narrative using a clip from Literacy shed which we absolutely love! The clip is called ‘Tadeo Jones’ and links to our new expedition.

First of all we thought about what a narrative is and what features are included. We then found these features in an example narrative. Next we rewatched the clip thinking about what the character sees, hears, smells and feels at specific parts in the clip. We did some freeze framing for different parts of the story as well as thought bubbles to express ideas at different stages of the clip. We then worked in mini crews to chot our own ideas for our senses before feeding back to the whole crew.

We then moved onto think about the main character. We created a role on the wall thinking about Tadeo’s personality and appearance. Our debrief allowed us to reflect on the features of a narrative and we pop corned expanded noun phrases that we had built to describe the setting earlier.

Adding money in MI

Today we continued with our maths block on money. We used our knowledge of pounds and pence to support our do now activity and also in our main maths lesson. We looked at how we add money amounts together thinking about the appropriate method. Is this written or mental? We thought about where the decimal point is and where our numbers need to go when using a written method. I praise the collaborative working in MI today, some great supportive partners 🙂

DT Hook Day

What a way to end a fantastic hook week! This afternoon, we took part in our very own ‘Ready, Steady, Cook’ and followed a recipe to make cookies.

While they were baking, we then started to discuss what a healthy diet was and what the different food types were. Next, came the blind tasting…which got mixed reviews. It was great to try different foods and lots of us found something that we liked that we had not tasted before. Overall, a great end to a great week!

Science Hook Day

We began the day by thinking back to what we already knew about the human body. We cut out bones to create a skeleton and explored why we have a skeleton. Next, we added in the organs and recapped the digestive system to ensure our learning from last year had stuck.

After that, we completed two kahoot quizzes about the skeleton and the digestive system before moving on to what we would the focus of our case study: the circulatory system. Finally, we actually explored a real heart and watched a dissection. It was amazing to see the different chambers and blood vessels and to actually touch these.

The Impact of Bees and Honey

On Wednesday, we were fortunate to have a visit from the Doncaster Beekeepers who talked to us about the importance of bees and how amazing honey actually is. We found out the types and numbers of bees we have in this country and which produce honey. We also learnt about the dangers of the Asian hornet. The best part was learning about how amazing honey is and all the benefits of it – and that it doesn’t go off. We even discovered that honey was found in the pyramids when they were opened!