Book talk in MI

Our entry ticket allowed us to recap the story verbally then we ordered different statements to assess our understanding of this. From here we looked at a further question where we had to empathise with one of the characters in the story, thinking about what we would do in a certain situation.

We then unpicked the language that we would come across when reading the next part of the text. We took part in a chorus read, partner read and an independent read. We thought about our expression when reading then moved onto our reasons to read.

Our exit ticket allowed us to think about what the characters would say next in the story. We are looking at direct speech in our writing lessons at the minute so this was a great activity for us to consolidate our knowledge.

RE continues in Crew MI

What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?

We started this lesson by discussing the importance Shahdah which forms one of the five pillars of Islam. We then discussed the five pillars of Islam in detail and the differences between them. After that, we discussed our own values and beliefs. Finally, we read the story of Bilal and considered what mattered to him.

Book talk continues in MI

We are really loving reading in MI at the minute! Everyone is always so excited to find out what will happen next in the story. Our entry ticket looked at fact and opinion statements which is something we are trying hard to work on. We then played 4 corners where we looked at some of the vocabulary that would appear in the text as we read. We always love playing this! When reading today, we read with a partner and independently. Again we worked on the fluency of our reading. Our reasons to read allowed us to give some of our impressions on the different characters but we used the text to support our ideas. Our exit ticket allowed us to voice our most memorable moments in the story so far and this was a great discussion as a whole crew.

Challenge Crew in MI

Today we started our crew session with the birthday line up challenge. We had to order ourselves in the correct order and to do this we had to communicate effectively. After the first challenge we thought about how the challenge had gone and thought about how we could work together a little better for the next challenge. We also ordered ourselves looking at our shoe size and our height! We really enjoyed our crew challenge this morning 🙂

Book talk in MI

Our entry ticket allowed us to think about the text we read on Friday with our partner. We shared what happened with the whole crew then based on our discussions ordered the events on our tables to recall these events. We then discussed the question, “Should Ali Baba have entered the cave?’ We explained our answers with our partner then the whole crew. There was some great discussion.

We then looked at the vocabulary that would appear in the text as we read, we made sure we were familiar with the language before we started to read. From here we started reading the next part of the text, we completed a chorus read, partner read and independent read. Mrs McClare really tried to model expression and fluency during the chorus read. Our reasons to read allowed us to demonstrate our understanding of the text and our exit allowed us to make predictions based on what the main character may do next! A great reading lesson MI.

MI start PP1 in writing

Today we wrote the first chunk of our first plot point. We are creating our own narrative using a clip for our stimulus. Today we used our chotting from last week to help us to create a shared write on our character. We described Tadeo Jone’s appearance and personality whilst using expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and similes. We are excited to move onto the setting of our story 🙂 Some great work MI!