Consolidating lots of our maths learning 🙂

Consolidating lots of our maths learning 🙂
We are really enjoying our maths work on coordinates 🙂
Today we recapped the text we read yesterday, thinking about the health care in Egyptian times compared to now. We remembered some of the reasons why Egyptians visited a doctor and how the care of the rich compared to the poor. We are really enjoying our new text as it has lots of humour in it! Next we looked at some of the new vocabulary that would appear as we read. We discussed word class along with definitions of each word. We text marked this vocabulary when we started reading. When reading, we took part in an echo read where we tried hard to use an expressive voice along with better fluency. We tried to stay at a pace that was similar to Mrs McClare. We discussed some of the language as we read and offered our thoughts and opinions on parts of the text. Some of which made us laugh! Mrs McClare questioned us on different things as we read. We then took part in a partner read, again offering some critique to our partner. Mrs McClare then read part of the text, modelling fluency and expression. She tried hard to ensure her voice changed when bold words appeared in the text. We enjoyed our reasons to read where we used the text to support our answers. Our exit ticket was looking at statements comparing treatments from today to Egyptian times. A productive session today MI 🙂
Today we explored persuasive openers, we found them in a series of sentences, built them together with the whole crew and in mini crews then worked on creating some sentences independently. We will then apply these to our persuasive letters when we start writing 🙂
Today we were introduced to our new text, “so you think you’ve got it bad? A kids guide to life in Ancient Egypt.” First of all we took part in a silent conversation where we explored the front cover of the text. We then moved onto the blurb, reading it with our partner and discussing our ideas. We then moved onto looking at the features of non fiction, playing some fastest finger first games and voicing the sections we would like to read about based on the contents page. We then used read around the robin to explore the glossary and discussed some of the language with our mini crew and whole crew. We then took part in a partner 1 and partner 2 read where we read the first section of the text. We gave our partner critique after reading for a minute then swapped our role. We then took part in an independent read before listening to Mrs McClare read the text back to us. We explored our reasons to read, using the text to find the answers and adding our own opinions and thoughts. Our exit ticket looked at true and false statements which consolidated our learning.
Our do now activity today allowed us to recap and consolidate our learning on line graphs 🙂 We then moved onto our position and direction maths unit where we explored coordinates. We looked at the different axis and the direction we move in in order to find and plot coordinates. We really enjoyed our lesson today 🙂
Today we continued learning about what it is like to be a Muslim in particular how important charity is to them. We focussed on the third pillar of Islam ‘Zakat’ which is all about placing a great importance on donating to charities whether that is donating money, clothes or food. We also discussed how charity becomes even more of a focus during Ramadan. During this month, Muslims make personal sacrifices as fasting helps them to remember those who go without food, shelter and water. Next, we discussed that not all charity has to be about donating something physical. We looked at what children could do and focussed on what actions they could do, we called these ‘good deeds’. Something as simple as a smile could make someone’s day. We created an anchor chart with what we had learnt and what we could do to help people particularly those less fortunate than us. To finish, we read a story ‘The Two Brothers’ where we talked about how kind the two brothers were to one another. We even acted this out. We really enjoyed this sessions today. Well done Crew MI.
Today we explored emotive language and rhetorical questions, two key features we need to use when writing our persuasive letters. First we watched a clip exploring emotive language. We were given a range of pictures where we showed the emotion we felt. There was many laughs and giggles for some of these! We then discussed why writers use emotive language and the impact on the reader. Next we were given a range of language, we had to group the words under 4 headings- happy, excited, sad and angry. We worked in mini crews to discuss each word finding the synonyms. We then shared these back with the whole crew. Next we explored different scenarios where we discussed how the scenarios made us feel and which words were emotive.
We then moved onto rhetorical questions where we thought about the sections of our letter and where rhetorical questions could go. We used a range of sentence starters to help us build our own rhetorical questions in mini crews then shared these back with the whole crew. Our debrief allowed us to discuss how the rhetorical questions make us feel and the impact they will have on Mrs Atherton when she reads our persuasive letters!
Today we joined Amy in the kitchen where she discussed food hygiene and safety with us. She gave us a tour of the kitchen and showed us what happens on a daily basis when preparing our school dinners. She discussed the equipment she uses and why certain chopping boards are certain colours. She talked about cross contamination and why basic food hygiene is so important. She then showed us the school fridge and discussed where foods need to go. She linked this back to cross contamination. This was such a great opportunity for us and will support us in our first design and technology lesson tomorrow 🙂
Today we continued with our experience day lesson from yesterday! We will be writing a persuasive letter to Mrs Atherton to ask her if we can become beekeepers! We recapped our learning from yesterday discussing emotive language, flattery and alliteration. We had another look at some of the ideas on our anchor chart where we described Mrs Atherton! We can’t wait to add these to our persuasive letters when we come to write them.
Today we thought about why crew MI are so amazing and how we can show we are. We worked in mini crews to build ideas then produced a class anchor chart. We then looked at a variety of video clips building background knowledge on the benefits of bees and why beekeeping is important. We build ideas in mini crews then as a whole crew. We then used our ideas and put them into some sentences. We are really enjoying our new writing unit 🙂