Jellyfish Art

This week, Nursery have been making jellyfish art using paper bowls, paint and strips of different materials. They painted the paper bowls using paint and when they were dry they stuck on lots of different shiny decorations and strips of materials to dangle to make the jellyfish legs.

Nursery had lots of fun getting messy with the different coloured paint and creating their jellyfish art work.

Getting Smart in Nursery

Today, in nursery, we looked at different sea shells and described how they felt. The children came up with lots of good adjectives like, bumpy, smooth, soft, hard, rough, spikey and white.

We also have been learning about number 1 and practicing our number formation in maths. We are getting smart at recognising numeral 1 and objects by themselves.

Busy week in Nursery

This week in nursery, we have been finishing our sorting topic in Maths. Some of the children practiced sorting the different chameleon pictures into their colours and sizes. The children enjoyed looking at the chameleon pictures and wanted to create some of their own. They enjoyed learning that chameleons change different colours and created lots of rainbow chameleons to show this.

We also are having lots of fun in our mini beach role play area with the different resources to play with including our ice cream shop and our sandy paddling pool.

Hook Week in Nursery

In nursery, this week, we have been enjoying different activities to hook us into our new summer expedition. We read Billy’s Bucket, and talked about what we can do at the seaside and our past experiences. 

We watched a clip from The Little Mermaid and named different sea animals, then we looked at different pictures of other sea animals and saw how many we could name as a crew. 

Then, we began planting our seeds and beans ahead of looking at growing in a few weeks.

Shape Practice

Nursery had lots of fun in maths today practicing drawing different shapes and learning their shape names ready to practice sorting them tomorrow. Ruby even chose to practice drawing rectangles in provision this morning.