Team Building – lots of fun had while the crew developed their speaking and listening skills. There was some brilliant communication taking place and some children developing their leadership skills.
Crew Shields – 25/1/22
It was lovely seeing the crew work collaboratively to sort the human and physical features of South America. We were able to hear good discussions/reasoning as to their reasons for it being a human or physical feature.
Crew Shields – 21/1/22
It’s been a busy week in Crew Shields as we continue to explore the guiding question, Why should we help our planet survive?
The crew have done lots of collaborative learning this week and it has been such a pleasure to see them learning from each other. They have learned about vertebrates and the features of the 5 categories. Can your child tell you the 5 animal groups?
The children have also been learning about the water cycle and the different stages. Children worked in mini-crews to research an area before sharing with their peers. It was great hearing children share their knowledge to help others learn.
We have started writing out Plot points for the Lorax and the children are becoming more confident with using cohesive devices. There were some great similes added to their description. They really do work hard in writing while developing their stamina for writing.
I would like to praise Crew Shields for setting their personalised pledges based on the feedback they’ve been given in class. This demonstrates great listening but also an eagerness to develop their learning and skills.
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you Monday.
Crew Shields – 17/12/21
Daily Crew Check in – Year 5
Hi all
Daily Crew Checkins will happen at 9am and 1pm each day this week.
Use this link to join us
Hope to see you all there!
Year 5 Online Crew Check-in
Good morning!
Just a quick reminder that we will be having our morning check-in online at 09:00 today with another one this afternoon. Use this link to join us
Hope to see you all there!
Year 5 Home Learning Menu
As well as adding work to Google Classroom, we have also added a Lockdown Learning page to our expedition website with some activities and links to check-in each day. Paper copies of the packs are being prepared this morning and we will be delivering these as soon as they’re ready.
Covid Closure Year 5 – Home learning
To help us prepare for Monday, can you please indicate on the form whether you will require a paper copy of the home learning?
Year 5 Crew
Do you need paper copies of home learning?
If your child is in Year 5 and requires paper copies of home learning resources for next week, please click the link below and complete the Google Form.
Staff will be delivering these on Monday for those who need it and available electronically via Google Classroom.
Dear Parents and Carers,
As you are already aware, we are currently experiencing rapidly rising cases of Covid19 within our Year 5 cohort. You have already been asked to ensure that all children in Year 5 complete a PCR test and that you provide proof of your results to us to share with Public Health Doncaster.
Based on the number of results returning as positive for Covid19, Public Health Doncaster have advised that we close Year 5 one week early. The aim of this is to limit the spread of Covid19 across our school and wider community so that peoples’ Christmas plans are not impacted by the need to isolate on Christmas Day.
To confirm, Year 5 will not return to school next week and will complete learning from home next week.
Staff in school will be spending this afternoon and Monday morning preparing learning activities which will be shared on Google Classroom for those who have devices and delivered to home addresses for those who do not have a device or access to the internet. These activities will be based on what they would have been completing in school and consolidation tasks based on their learning this term.
For those families who are eligible for free school meals, school will be in touch to organise a lunch each day for those not in school. This will likely be in the form of the online vouchers that parents received during the half-term and summer holidays.
Thank you in advance for your continued support and understanding.
Stay safe everyone.
Yours faithfully,
James Tucker
Acting Headteacher