Wow! What a FANTASTIC day we all had on Friday 5th May 2023 at Carcroft Primary School. Throughout the morning each Crew got to share their British Values Home Learning that they had done! In Crew FE we were blown away with David’s creation which was an AMAZING castle and in Crew Thompson Archie and Charlie took the limelight with their Coronation ceramic plates! Some fabulous work has taken place in lots of homes! Thank you to all of those adults at home who supported with this and to the children for bringing them in for us all to share! At lunchtime we enjoyed all sitting together and having an indoor picnic (thanks to the traditional British weather, what Bank Holiday ever passes without some rainfall!?!). In the afternoon, we then enjoyed creating crowns, flags and other Coronation memorabilia that we got to take home with us to help us to continue the celebrations over the weekend!