This week has been our first week together as Crew Tucker and it has certainly been one to remember!
We have spent this week delving into our first expedition, ‘Coming to Doncaster; why then and why now?’ and our first case study which aims to answer the question, ‘Why did the Vikings come to Doncaster?’. Our Hook Week has involved lots of exciting activities: developing our artistic skills using clay to create dragon eyes and sketching dragons; becoming performers of dragon poetry; cooking using viking recipes and being detectives to investigate a mystery visitor who created havoc in the school hall and forest school!
Watch the video below to get a feel for yourselves for all the fun we have had this week.
Time and time again, the children have blown us all away with their positive attitudes, exemplary behaviour and excitement to learn new things; we can’t wait to watch them grow and develop further throughout the school year and will continue to share our learning with you on our blog.
Before I begin this post, can I just say what an impressive morning we have had at Carcroft School today. I have seen happy children dressed as heroes in KS1 and witnessed a very impressive Harry Potter ‘Sorting Hat’ session in Upper Key Stage 2. On top of that Crew Ferguson have shown me their Crew Sign and Nursery have been learning in the home corner, sharing their resources.
Welcome back, I hope you had a great summer. The staff are very excited to deliver their new expeditions with their crews and support the children to work hard, be kind and get smart.
Today we officially join the XP Trust, we thank Mrs Lythe and the Governors for their hard work on this process. As a member of the XP Trust the staff will attend weekly networks and staff from throughout the Trust will be working at Carcroft to make this school the best in the world. Your children will experience a curriculum that explores, excites and ensures that they learn amazing things and produce amazing products. Through the curriculum they will understand the purpose of reading and writing and understand how maths is important to many problem solving scenarios. Through crew and the importance of being kind, the children at Carcroft will continue to be supported to be the best version of themselves.
Comms @ Carcroft
This year we’re making some changes to the way we communicate to you.
Carcroft School Website will be our main form of communication. You can subscribe to the website which will send you an email alert when a message or blog is posted. Scroll down the website and look down the right hand side – add your email to ‘subscribe to block via email’.
Dojo will be used to alert you of an important message and a way for your class teacher to contact you.
Facebook won’t be used to communicate with daily messages. This will be used for emergency messages.
Facebook messenger is no longer monitored, if you have a query please complete our Carcroft Query Form.
Personal Contact, please do not contact any staff members through personal social media or email accounts. They will not be answered.
Dojo – you can dojo message your class teacher, however queries and questions will not be answered outside of office hours.
During the school holidays staff may not respond to your questions. Any question that needs to be raised must be done through the Carcroft Query Form. This is intermittently monitored during the holidays and if your question is deemed urgent we will respond accordingly.
We have made a great start to the term and we look forward to sharing more of our learning with you via the website and hopefully soon in school.
Wow! What a great first day back. It was lovely to get to know all the new faces in Crew Longely, who looked so smart and vibrant in their new red uniforms.
We spent the early morning launching our new crew; checking in, deciding on our crew norms, and choosing our first site team to help look after our crew environment.
We have also been blown away by the children’s determination to show us what they can already do in writing and maths. I am really sure we will have some amazing authors and mathematicians this year!
What a fantastic year we have had in Crew Longley. We have had some amazing learning opportunities, made some fantastic memories and laughed hard along the way. Miss Holdsworth and I could not have been prouder of the beautiful young people we have seen blossom this year.
I don’t know where to start. This year has been bizarre but I’ve absolutely loved every minute 🥰 . This bunch of kids have made me laugh every day (and more recently cry at the thought of them leaving). From September, they have embraced crew and it’s just been one of the best years I’ve had🧡. To say they have missed so much learning, they have achieved SO much 🧠. They have shown the true meaning of working hard to get smart… whilst being oh so kind 💕.
At the end of this year, these children were the first to complete their Final Word presentations👏🏼. They reflected on their character growth, beautiful work and academic success and I was so proud🤩. They spoke so confidently and positively and many of them brought me to tears🥲. They all stepped out of their comfort zones and presented brilliantly. Another moment for me to be proud of this year.
There have been so many moments that have made me beam, but here are some of my favourites😍:
I will truly miss every single one of them and wish them all the best for their new schools 🍀 . Please come and see us…
And remember, we will always be the first CREW FOX 🦊🥰
Thank you for all the laughter and lovely moments we’ve had this year,
After starting the year in Year Two I was so excited (and a little bit terrified) when I was asked to become part of the EYFS crew. School was still so new for our little learners and EYFS was a new adventure for me too! Since March we have all come so far together. The children have grown so tall (sadly Miss Thiede still isn’t any taller) and have grown even more in personality and character.
It is unbelievable to think that when the pandemic started some of our youngest children were still only babies and that school was their first time meeting new people and being without their grown ups. We have all overcome so many challenges this year and I am sure that all the EYFS staff and parents/carers would agree that it has been made so much easier with the constant smiles, giggles and optimism that our little people gave bucket loads of.
The children have made so much progress this year! Little do they know but while they have been busy exploring all their favourite activities in the classroom they have been doing so much amazing learning! Listening to them talk so clearly to each other, solving problems and thinking back to what they have done before makes me grin from ear to ear! I am so proud of our EYFS crew and everything that has been achieved this year.
Thank you to all the parents/carers in EYFS! Your support (and willingness to send the children in SO many fancy dress costumes) has been invaluable! You should be so proud of your little people, I know I am! Also, a big thank you for all the appreciation you have shown for our Staff Crew and for all of the kind gifts today (they will all be throughly enjoyed in week 4 of the holidays when I don’t have to worry about squeezing into my bridesmaids dress)!
Good luck to all of Crew Thiede, I know that you will be amazing in all of your adventures next year!
You have been an total joy and it has been my absolute pleasure to be a part of your first year at school!
Today was our last day with each other and I think it’s crazy how fast, but slow this year has gone. We have almost had a full year, but have been interrupted again by COVID-19. We started the year off as just 16 and have ended the year with 9 extra additions to make 25.
Since September, we have introduced HoWLs (work hard, get smart and be kind) and I think we have all improved in this area. We started our Expeditionary learning journey by making a brochure about your community and answered the guiding question ‘What does the Carcroft Community have to offer? ‘ I remember the fun we had delivering these brochures around the village in miserable weather, but that didn’t dampen our spirits.
Then came the time after Christmas, when we were closed several times, half were at home and half were at school. How crazy was that? Before Easter, we were all put together and I wouldn’t change that at all. Yes, you have been chatty and a little bit mad, but that’s all added to the fun!
Our second Expedition was the coolest one and I think the one we all enjoyed the most. We started this off with the hacker, which helped set the tone and excitement for the rest of this Expedition. How many school’s get to graffiti and then put it up in a shopping centre? You guys are really lucky and should be proud of the mural that you produced, with all of your own little touches! You have all become much more confident writers and mathematicians, along with getting better at reading.
We are really proud to have been your teachers and have had a lot of fun along the way. Yes, there have been some daft choices, but we all make mistakes and hopefully we will learn from them. You have also helped us through some really tough times, like when we had COVID, the car crash and when I lost my Nanna. You helped cheer us up during these times and I cannot thank you enough for that – you really were Crew.
We want to end the year with a bit of fun, which was a water fight. I know the adults definitely won…
A final thank you to the parents for all of the support during a strange year. You have helped us all out and that is what Crew is all about. Enjoy your summer Crew Gerrard and make sure you have the tonnes of fun – stay safe and make the most of it before Year 6!
I just wanted to say Goodbye to all the children in EYFS. I am going to miss you all so much and it has been a pleasure to have been part of the EYFS team. I am so lucky to have been able to share your nursery and reception journey’s with you. Thank you to all the parents and carers for your support and thank you for all my wonderful cards and gifts ❤️❤️❤️ Miss Nicholson ❤️
I cannot believe I am writing the final blog of the year! How time flies! We have had such a great year despite the circumstances and I am so proud of each and every member of our Crew. Whilst the children have learned how to read, write and do maths, I have learned how to actually be a teacher and get the best out of them – I’ve not always got it right but the Crew have been there to help me every step of the way. We’ve faced some challenges throughout this dumpster-fire of a year but I can genuinely say I have absolutely loved it and I am so sad to see all my little mates go up to Year Two!
We’ve rounded off the year with a week of fun! Check out the highlights below, a full recap will be posted to This Week in the Phase shortly!
Flamingo Land:
Forest School:
SuperTato Day:
Water fight:
A Message to Parents:
I just want to say a massive thank you to all the parents that have supported me throughout the year. I couldn’t have done it without you! The amount of homework/home reading that has been completed this year is amazing and it has had a massive impact on your children’s progress, I soon regretted giving reading rewards out as I was spending £30 a weekend in B+M to fill the treat jar for the week! We’ve made amazing progress and you wouldn’t believe that these children missed a vital part of their foundation year! Everyone has worked so hard, got smart and being kind, and it is lovely to see the personalities that have developed and the relationships being created this year. It has been a pleasure to watch them grow and discover that they are more than capable of achieving anything they want if they concentrate and put their mind to it (rather than chatting!!!). I hope you all enjoyed reading your children’s reports and have celebrated their successes with them, they’ve worked so hard, I am proud and they should be too!
Thank you for all your kind gifts – I will have plenty to eat and drink over the summer holidays! It was so lovely to see all the handwritten cards from the children, I definitely didn’t cry one bit today 👀
Finally, have an amazing summer, we all deserve a massive rest and the chance to chill out, so stay safe and enjoy your freedom Crew Wilson, you have definitely earned it!
Thank you all for making my NQT year one to remember!
See you all in September in your brand new uniform!