Soft Play

What an amazing time we all had in our soft play session. Thank you to everyone who attended and joined in to make it such a lovely and enjoyable morning. The children jumped, rolled, climbed and ran around exploring all the fantastic equipment set up for us to use. We had blocks to stack, animals to bounce on, things to climb up and over and even goal posts to practice our football skills. The children were brilliant, laughing and having a super time. 

We hope to see you all again next time and many new faces too. Anyone is welcome from our community and surrounding communities with children from newborn to 3 years. If you are interested in coming along please contact our school office and we will look forward to seeing you. Our next session is on the 5th April at 9:00am, spread the word and join us in making memories. 

World Book Day! 📚

What an amazing day in Crew Nursery! We have loved seeing all of your fantastic costumes, some of us even got to dress up twice!

We have had so much fun talking about our favourite stories, looking at different books and drawing pictures of ‘The Gingerbread Man’.

Maths, maths, maths!

We created our own anchor charts today… focusing on the skills we’ve been working really hard to grasp: four operations of fractions, % of amounts, multiplying and diving by 10,100,1000 and 4D Divide by 2D.

WOW living streets

Carcroft School has recently signed up to living streets, this is where the children get rewarded for walking to school once a week, every week in a month. The children can then earn a badge each month and hopefully will earn all 11!

Living streets closely links to all of our expeditions: looking at how we can help to protect our planet. Walking to school at least once week is a great way for us to help the world.