In maths today we learned how to tell the time to the nearest hour, I was blown away with how quickly the children could tell the time and show me it on their clocks. Super work today Crew Marsh, tomorrow we go again with half past!
Crew Marsh transition
I loved meeting my new crew on Tuesday and finding out different things about everyone. We firstly wrote our names and I was very impressed with how hard everybody worked. We then took part in a marshmallow challenge, where we had to build a structure so the egg would not smash. We also went on an outdoor scavenger hunt and then finished off our day drawing self portraits.
It was a very busy today but I look forward to teaching and getting to know the children more next year.
Popcorn and smores
Well year 6 had a lovely afternoon round the fire pit toasting marshmallows to make smores and having popcorn🍿
Let’s get ready to…Raft build🛶
The first group to raft build today!! All the children thought it was amazing and an experience they will never forget. Well done everyone great achievements made today!!
“Aw we are a lovely crew aren’t we”- Millie
Sports Day – Pink
What an absolutely wonderful morning with our Pink Crew. All the children worked incredibly hard to complete each activity and everybody worked collaboratively. We all had a fab time!
Sports for Champion Sponsorship
If any parents/carers were unable to support us with our Sports for Champion Sponsorship, there is a crowdfunding page where parents can make a donation. Please click on the link below.
Natter and a Nibble
This is for Y6 parents of children who are transitioning to Outwood Academy.
The rain didn’t stop us 🌧
The weather wasn’t on our side during dinner time break today, but did it stop us? No!
Shelby wheeled the boom box up onto the field and Crew Robson followed by doing the conga and then we all danced in the rain ☔️
RE in Crew MI
Today we continued our learning around Christianity. We listened to a range music and discussed how and why they use music in worship. We listened for similarities and differences between them. Finally, we thought about what songs were special to us and what emotions they made us feel.
We also enjoyed tasting bread and learning about the Holy Communion.
Pea plant update🌱
We have been watering our pea plants every other day for the last week and we are so surprised by how fast they have grown. Today, we watered our plants and filled out our plant planner.