RE – Christianity

Today, we have been starting to explore Christianity and what would be important to families who are Christian.

We learned about the what the Bible is and even listening to a Bible story for children who werenโ€™t familiar. One of the things we looked at was how their week may be different to that of a Christian and this is where we noticed that some children in our crew have very busy lives outside of school. However, we enjoyed hearing the things that each otherโ€™s families do as part of their family.

One of the main things we discussed was about how itโ€™s important to respect the beliefs of others because we come from different backgrounds. In addition, we discussed how they are getting to an age where they can start to come to their own conclusions about what they believe and this may not always be the same as their friends.

RE in Crew MI

Today we continued our learning around Christianity. We listened to a range music and discussed how and why they use music in worship. We listened for similarities and differences between them. Finally, we thought about what songs were special to us and what emotions they made us feel.

We also enjoyed tasting bread and learning about the Holy Communion.

RE continues in MI

Today we described and explained what Christians do to show their beliefs at church. We looked at some church windows and thought about what we would see if we peeped inside. We thought about how this would be different on a Sunday morning, weekday and on an evening in the week. We then explored some church notice boards thinking about what was happening. We referred back to our initial ideas thinking about if our ideas were the same. We then looked at a variety of bible quotes and thought about how they relate to the items on each of the notice boards. There was some great discussions here ๐Ÿ™‚ Finally we chose one of the things on the notice board and researched more into it. We then shared our ideas as a mini crew before presenting to the whole crew. We all really enjoyed listening to each others ideas and finding out more about the things that happen all the time in churches. We are excited for our next RE lesson ๐Ÿ™‚

Religious Education

Today, we started our first RE lesson! We learnt about Christianity, the religion of Jesus. We started off by naming what we already know about Christianity, where a student added a whole whiteboard worth of information (this was me,Gabriels): 

After that, we studied the difference between a Christian family and an Atheist family based on the objects in their houses. We discussed that some of us don’t have family photos in our house and some have a weekly calendar in the kitchen. Then we watched a video about Nathan, a young boy who lives in a Christian family. To finish it all off, we made a weekly calendar based off the things he did in the clip based on his religion and as a typical 11 year old boy. Some of us even took a weekly planner home!

RE in Crew MI

Today we started a unit of work on Christianity. We looked at a variety of pictures from a family home, thinking about what we could see and then thinking about what type of home the pictures have come from. We then discussed the pictures in more detail thinking about how some of the pictures related to Christianity. We then became detectives where we tried to make links between the items and thought about the importances of each item. From here we ordered our items from the most important to the least important which raised some great discussions! We really challenged each others thinking.

We then moved on to looking at a weekly calendar thinking about our families and what would go on our own weekly calendar. We then watched a clip on a boy called Nathan. We thought about all the things he does in his week and added this to a calendar. We annotated the calendar to say why he is choosing to do certain things.

In our debrief we thought about challenges Christianโ€™s face and what a Sunday morning may look like for a Christian compared to our Sunday morning. We also thought about all the good things about being a Christian. What a fantastic lesson this was! Such great collaboration and discussions taking place ๐Ÿ™‚