MI start PP1 in writing

Today we wrote the first chunk of our first plot point. We are creating our own narrative using a clip for our stimulus. Today we used our chotting from last week to help us to create a shared write on our character. We described Tadeo Jone’s appearance and personality whilst using expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and similes. We are excited to move onto the setting of our story 🙂 Some great work MI!

Caring Crew in MI

Today we described some of the risks of inactivity to ourselves and others. We looked at how much daily exercise different age groups should be getting over a day and over a week. This surprised some of us!We then explored some of the major risks for people that are inactive. We tried to think of different ways we could increase our activity levels during 4 different scenarios. We worked well in mini crews to build ideas before sharing back with the whole crew. Our debrief allowed us to set our own pledges to increase our levels of physical activity.

Time in MI

What an amazing maths lesson we had today! We explored a clock thinking about the minute and hour hands then looked at o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We showed different times on our clocks and also had a try at writing the time. We will continue to work on our time knowledge tomorrow where we will explore other time intervals.

St George’s Day – British Values

On Tuesday, we celebrated St George’s Day with a picnic and an afternoon of learning about British Values.

In crew, we learned about Sir George and how it came to be St George’s Day. Then in the afternoon reviewed the areas of British Values before focusing on Rule of Law. We discussed how there are rules and law for the safety of everyone and ensure people are treated fairly. The crew shared some of the rules they have at home then we designed poster that had the expectations of our classroom.

The Mayans

In our first History lesson, we quickly recapped ordering the Mayan timeline. When we completed it during hook week, there was a misconception about how to order BC dates. Therefore, we had another check in to ensure we’d remembered how to accurately order BC and AD events.

Next time we worked together in small groups to match some vocabulary and their definitions.

Then we learned some facts about the Mayan so we could start to understand this ancient civilisation.


Today in our computing lesson we learnt about what debugging is and how we identify them in an algorithm. We used maps and directions to spot the bug and thought about how we rewrite the algorithm.