We are Authors

During our recent writing lessons, we have been writing a diary from the perspective of a 10 year old girl in the 1960s and her dads making her attend MLKs speech. The children have loved writing a diary and are now writing their own at home, which is lovely to see.

Subordinate Conjunctions

In writing on Friday, we learned about subordinate conjunctions and how they add further information to the main clause. We learned I SAW A WABUB to help us remember the subordinate conjunctions. Then we worked in pairs to experiment with the position of the subordinate clause. We realised that the subordinate clause can either be at the start or end of the sentence. However, if it is at the start of the sentence, we must remember to use a comma to separate the main clause and the subordinate clause.

Beautiful Work

Starting Friday and continuing today, Crew Hamill have been working on producing beautiful work they are proud of, in line with our Get Smart HoWL, to produce a full non-chronological report. We have used our writing from the last few weeks that we have edited and improved in order to fully answer our guiding question for this term: How does movement affect our world? We created an introductory plot point as well as two detailed paragraphs on how the movement of the planets and forces impact on our daily life. We’ve then used what we know about the layout of non-chronological reports to write this up in our most beautiful handwriting, supported by our handwriting lines. We’ve even illustrated these with relevant pictures.

Writing to answer our guiding question

Crew Hamill were so excited to get started with their first proper piece of writing in order to show off just how much knowledge we have gained during our grammar focus at the start of this year. We started by using our knowledge of subjects, verbs and leftovers to help Miss Hamill punctuate her model text. Once we had done this, we planned out what we were going to write in our own piece by using a subject, verb, leftover structure. We then worked as a crew to help Miss Hamill turn her plan into paragraphs, looking to see if we could join any of our single clause sentences together with a FANBOYS conjunction or if we could extend our sentences by adding leftovers at the beginning of the clause. We then put this into action ourselves to create our own paragraphs of writing.

Writing experience

In writing, we started our writing unit by looking at good examples of a non chronological report and gathered lots of ideas together to help us write some independent clauses. We ensured that our clauses had a subject and verb.

Writing so far…

To activate into our experience day we refreshed our subject knowledge of physics, with a particular focus on our CS2 expeditionary learning all about forces. What better way to do this other than a Kahoot! We then focused on our writing focus of exploring features in a non chronological report. To begin with we focused on identifying the presentational features and with a partner analysed the text’s purpose and audience of our model. We then delved deeper by reading and identifying the language features whilst considering the purpose. We did the same again with another non chronological report on a different subject to reiterate the text-type specific features in non chronological reports. 

Experience Day Part 2

In part 2 of our experience day, we began critiquing presentational features of various non chronological reports made by children to spark our imagination. We also chotted ideas for titles and headings using miss’ help sheet she had created. Finally, we planned the layout of our individual non chronological reports.

Sentence Days

So far we have written 4 plot points of our non chronological report. We have retrieving facts from a given text based on our structure, then up-levelled based on our targets. Throughout the process we have used childrens examples to critique in order to help us purple pen our own work. We will be ready to draft next week and we cannot wait to publish them into beautiful double page spreads!