Polar Bear Experience at YWP 🐻‍❄️

Today we were very lucky to be able to have a video call live for the Project Polar at Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We were able to ask lots of questions and found out lots of information about the polar bears who live in Doncaster. We found out their skin is black and their fur is see through, they like to eat lots and meat and they enjoy playing with lots of different toys. A huge thank you to Alex who made sure we saw the polar bears swimming, walking and snoozing!

What is climate?

In expedition yesterday, we were learning about the difference between weather and climate. We then used some of our reading skills to text mark the information to allow us to answer a range of questions. Miss Shields guided us however this has been a skill we’ve been learning in reading. We then had an opportunity to use the information to answer out questions.

Scientific Data 📈

Today, we started Case Study 2 – Science. This will support us in answering our guiding question: How can we protect our wonderful world? During our first lesson, we looked at a range of data about Svalbard and discussed what this told us. We were shocked to discover just how much things are changing due to climate change and the impact this has on Svalbard.

Classifying animals 🐟🐸🐍🐄🐧

Today in our science lesson we learnt the different classifications for animals, they are:

Birds 🐧

Amphibians 🐸

Reptiles 🐍

Mammals 🐄

Fish 🐟

We learnt that each of the different classes had warm or cold blood, webbed feet, could breathe under water, had fur or hair, dry skin and wings. This is how we were able to classify them into groups.

Scientific Data

On Monday, we started our case study 2 on science. During our first lessons, we looked at a range of data about Svalbard and discussed what this told us about Svalbard. Some of the information was quite alarming as it shows the detrimental effect global warming is having on this country.

Food chains 🌱🐰🦊

In our science lesson, we have learnt about food chains and looked at who eats who.

We learnt that at the start of the food chain it is called a producer, because it produces food.

The next animal is called a consumer, this is the first animal that eats the producer.

We were super at creating our food chains in the correct order of energy moving!

Scientists in the making…..fabulous food chains 🐛🐓🦊

Today we were scientists and explored simple food chains.

We learnt the definition of words such as producer, consumer, predator and prey.

The children worked in collaborative groups to put together there food chains and explain how energy was transferred through the food chain. It provoked some really interesting conversations around energy and how consumers and prey have different roles within the food chain.

Expedition in Crew Pashley 🕷️🐍🦔

This week, in Expedition, we have been looking at the habitats of animals and plants to continue with our Expedition work looking into the planet. We looked at what plants need and different diets of animals too! On Tuesday, Charlie and Ates held different types of animals including a snake! 🐍 and Tarantula 🕷️😮