Please find below the competition that is going out in Crew Welburn today.

Please find below the competition that is going out in Crew Welburn today.
Children concentrating on their books via accelerated reader 🙂 Some great reading by all in Crew MI.
Crew Gerrard enjoyed a trip to the library where we updated our books and had a read of them in the cosy room. It was great fun seeing how relaxed Crew Gerrard were and the enjoyment they had reading their books! We can’t wait to keep going!
We have had a busy but productive day in MI! We thought more about our reading text ‘At the sign of the Sugared Plum’ and looked at a variety of inference type questions which focussed on the first chapter. We worked well in mini crews to explore the questions, using the text to support our answers.
We then spent some time preparing for our SLC thinking about our howls and making pledges to help us move forwards. We are really looking forward to sharing these with you next week.
In maths we worked hard to explore decimals. We all did really well on our fluency questions with many of us moving onto reasoning and problem solving questions.
Our crew howl score is continuing to improve! Keep it up Crew MI.
Today I spent the morning with Mrs Ibbotson, our Reading Leader, looking at our Reading Strategy in action. It was a pleasure to see children so engaged in their Reading lessons across Year 2 to Year 6, whereby we spotted pupils practising their reading aloud, in order to develop their fluency so that they can then better understand their text. They were engaging in texts which would support them to better answer their guiding question for their current expedition. In some classes, the children were answering questions about the text and their Teachers were checking their understanding using protocols such as whip around and cold call. I particularly loved being in Crew Boswell, where they were being challenged by Mr B to further develop their oracy skills by providing a detailed response when asked a question. This session really made my day, to hear our pupils articulating their ideas with such elegance. Finally, I loved seeing so much collaboration in nearly every class including lots of paired reading and supporting one another to answer questions. Another lovely morning where I left feeling proud of what we are achieving together as a school.
Today in reading we played a quick game where we matched different words to their definition. Children worked well in partners to do this. We also thought about the word class of each word. From here we introduced our new vocabulary for the day (conservation) and unpicked the word together. We then read our text focussing on fluency and expression. We used a read around the robin, an echo read, a chorus read and then we read with our partner. Our fluency is really improving. Children then helped me to unpick some questions on the board looking at different question types and how we go about answering each question. I was super impressed with the amount of information children had remembered. Children are now ready to answer comprehension questions independently tomorrow.
Today we’re researching endangered animals ready to begin our monologue tomorrow. Again, we are using scanning skills to read at speed to build up our background knowledge. Some of us are researching the northern tiger cat, white bellied spider monkeys and others are researching giant otters.
This morning we’re researching animals that are in danger to build our background knowledge. We are focusing on fluency skills to really ensure we understand what we are reading. I praise how some children are rereading our text to double check we are understanding what we are reading.
Now we understand a little more about animals in danger, we are creating our own BBK poster.
It was lovely to see the children dressed as their favourite characters. The year 5 children supported our younger this children by listening to them read. It was especially nice seeing siblings match up and read together.
What a lovely morning it was seeing Crew McLoughlin reading their independent writing to Crew Flaherty and Crew Gerrard. It was fantastic to see our Year 3 pupils share their stories to the Year 6s too. It was a lovely atmosphere throughout!