Y1 reading!

With the phonics screening getting closer in June, we are really trying to push reading at home. Unfortunately there is only 4/25 that have read more than once this week. I am no longer sending home any other homework other than a reading book and RWI sounds. Please can this be completed with children at least 3 times a week.

The reading cafe has had a massively positive impact with reading on a Thursday with 10/25 adults reading with their child in this session. We really appreciate parents/carers spending this time to read with your children.

Please can all RWI books come back in again next week as we are missing a lot of books and I need to look through what we are missing and charge for missing books.

Thank you, I know by giving this a massive push at home too over the next few weeks we will see a massive difference in the children’s confidence in reading and your child will move up RWI groups.

Reading and grammar in MI

We recapped apostrophes in our grammar session today, completing some activities on white boards and with our partner. We then applied our knowledge to a range of questions. We then explored a practise sats paper in our reading lesson. Children text marked confidently, unpicking vocabulary before answering questions. Our inference skills are really improving, our Wednesday inference sessions are really supporting us and helping us to become more confident when answering these type of questions.

Poetry in MI

Today we continued to unpick 3 mark questions using APE to support our answers. We then moved onto a poetry text, thinking about the meaning of the poem. We had to use our inference skills today in order to find answers as well as thinking about some of the vocabulary. The poem really challenged our thinking but allowed us to have some really good discussions.

Reading in MI

In reading we explored a new text, we used a range of strategies when reading out loud including echo read, partner reading, read around the robin as well as trying to beat a timer to increase our pace. We then unpicked some of the vocabulary using a range of strategies to help us. Whilst reading we text marked, one of the things we circled were dates. Our non fiction text included lots of dates which were really useful to know when it came to answering questions later in the session. We then took part in a vocabulary activity which assessed our understanding of the vocabulary we had previously discussed. We looked at both synonyms and antonyms for some of the vocabulary we had highlighted in our texts as well as thinking of some of our own examples. We then moved onto answering questions which included a range of sats style questions. Some of us then moved onto green standard questions where we had to use APE to answer the 3 mark questions. A positive attitude by all in todays lesson, well done MI 🙂


Today we started Chapter 3 of our Expedition text and focused on vocabulary.

Children started off playing a game called Round Table where they had to list adjectives from the text. We then shared these as a whiparound.

During the lesson we come across a word that we were unsure of how to use in a sentence. We looked at the definition and discussed some possible ways of using the word. Children then had an opportunity to write their own sentence.

The Tunnel

This week we’ve been exploring The Tunnel, we LOVE this text and its has provided some great opportunities to develop of speaking and listening skills. We created our own tunnels and acted out the story using small world resources. It also led us into experiences to develop our vocabulary when when Dominic created a tunnel and explained it was ‘camouflaged’ so it was harder to find. He loved sharing his knowledge and understanding with the younger children in our crew.

MI apply skills in reading

Today we continued to work on the pace of our reading with a 10 minute do now activity to start the lesson. This really pushed us to read the text quickly along with using our skimming and scanning skills to find information quickly. We then moved onto a sats paper where we practised our test technique. We worked on some questions independently then used a demonstration comprehension session for some of the more challenging questions. Tomorrow we will unpick some of the 3 mark questions further using APE to support our answers.