
On Friday, in Crew Pashley, we celebrated Pjarmarama Day by completing different reading activities in our comfy clothes. To kick start our day, we designed new front covers for our hook book ‘The Flood’. Here are just a few of our favourites!

We experienced our very own Carcroft Starbooks, even trying some tasty book themed treats!

To finish off our FUN day, we chose our favourite books to read outside in the sun with a cool ice lolly.

Teacher Swap 🧑‍🏫📖🔄

Today, as part of ‘Pyjamarama Day’ some of our teachers got to do a swap and read to another crew! Staff and children loved this so much when we did this last half term that we all wanted to do it again, and again it was a success! The teachers loved going to another crew and sharing their favourite book/s and the children loved welcoming another teacher into their crew and getting to experience listening to a new book! Some children also got to experience children from another doing a swap and coming into their crews to share a story, this was lovely to see the older children in school sharing a story children with some of our youngest!

Pyjamarama Day 2023! 🌟📚💤

WOW! Where do I start?! Crew FE have had an AMAZING Pyjamarama Day! The day started with us all designing a new front cover for our favourite book 📕 as our morning task! We all enjoyed doing this and created some fantastic designs! 🖍 We then completed a whole school ‘teacher swap’, where Mrs Elmer went and read to Crew McGlone and Miss Marsh came and read to us! 📖 We loved listening to a different story by a different teacher!

We then completed a ‘Kahoot’ quiz all about features of fiction and non-fiction texts, different authors, characters, titles and some of our teachers favourite books! Our winner was Hollie!

Our favourite part of the day was after break, where we participated in ‘Starbooks’! ☕🥤🧋🧃🥛📖 We all got to select a drink of our choice as we entered the classroom and collected a review sheet 📝 We then sat at a table of our choice and simply picked up a book, chilled, read the book and drank our drink! We got to move around to different tables as we wished, and at the end of the end of the session we all shared which book was our favourite and why! 📚💕

After lunch we listened to a story called ‘The Monster Surprise’ (which we had to guess after we had read it!), whilst we were reading we stopped at certain points to participate in different activities such as making predictions as well as some drama activities such as ‘conscious alley’ and ‘hot seating’. We would have liked to have made some ‘freeze frames’ to show the story in action but unfortunately we ran out of time!

We ended the day by inviting our male family members 👬 into school to share a book 📚 with us to celebrate ‘Fathers Day’ on Sunday! They also got to join us whilst we had a cheeky ice pop after a very hot day! ☀

Overall it has been a fabulous day in Crew FE! We have loved coming to school in our comfy clothes or pyjamas and exploring books a little bit more! 📚

Pyjamarama Day – Crew Thompson💤

What a great, fun filled Friday we have had in Crew Thompson today celebrating pyjamarama day! 🤩

After break, we visited Starbooks! ☕🧋 We got to choose a drink off the menu and sit down to read a book! It was lovely to see the children enjoying the book and read for pleasure. They even got to review the book and say whether they would recommend it or not!

Before lunch, we completed a kahoot quiz which is something our crew really enjoy doing. We had one that tested our knowledge on a range of books we have read and spoken about!

After lunch, we read a story called “A Monster’s Surprise”. We choose some characters to put in the hot seat and ask a few questions! We also did some freeze frames to show the different parts of the story.

After all our hard work, we went outside to read our class shared read with an ice lolly! 🍦 We loved sitting in the shade and listening to Miss Lee read Charlie and the Chocolate factory … we are just getting to the good bit! 📖

Pyjamarama Day in EYFS!

We’ve had so much fun during pyjamarama day in EYFS! We’ve had a teacher swap where some of the teachers from the rest of school came to read us a story which we loved! We’ve also had reading volunteers from KS2 come to read us stories which was so much fun! Finally, we’ve had our grown ups come to share stories with us at the end of the day in the sunshine ☀️


It wasn’t exactly the weather for pjs but that didn’t stop us from having a lovely day filled with reading.

We started the day off with children completing a Who dunnit mystery. Children worked in pairs to read some information which they then had to use to deduce who had stolen the paintings. Lots of the children figured out who done it but massive well done to Jack who give the exact reason why she was guilty.

Before lunch, we completed a couple of kahoot quizzes which is something our crew really enjoy doing. We had one that tested our knowledge on books but also one that was focused on specific characters.

Another activity we completed was a wordsearch. It was lovely seeing them support their peers if they struggled to find a word.

We have also started a new class read today called A different sort of Normal. We are reading this books because it is the real life story of a girl who talks about what it was like growing up with autism and the challenges she encountered. We thought this would be very relevant as it’s important to understand the things that make us different but unique and help us understand ourselves a little bit more.