This week in LKS2 we had lots of successes to celebrate in our LKS2 Community Meeting! We had three pupils who all achieved Learning Legend this week for being super mathematicians and blowing us all away with their recent arithmetic test scores!

We also celebrated all of those pupils who have been reading at home the most in each Crew, it was AMAZING to see so many pupils in Crew Thompson that had read 5 times in a week! I wonder if some others might be able to do this next week and if we can have more pupils to celebrate?! 📚

In addition to those pupils who read at home regularly we also chose a ‘Star Reader’ from each crew! This week the reasons were for, making great progress in reading fluency, participating lots during reading sessions and for excellent comprehension skills during assessment week. These pupils also got to have a special breakfast with Mrs Atherton today! I wonder who our ‘Star Readers’ will be next week?

Finally, we celebrated some extra special achievements. These boys have been working incredibly hard out of school! One for participating in a football tournament and the other for writing his own story linked to our Expeditionary learning! Fab work boys! Well done! 👏