FS1 – Anti- Bullying week – Crew challenge!

This week we have been learning all about being kind and sharing in Crew Dorman. We practised our sharing skills playing a game called ‘pass the ball’ and we worked as a team on building a tower! Taking it in turns to place each brick on top of the other. We wondered?…..Could we work as a team and place each block carefully? We tried our best, took turns and at the end had a nice high tower. Even though the tower fell a few times we kept going practising our team work and resilience! Mrs Dorman and Mrs Mason praised our teamwork!

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue 🔥🚒

This afternoon, we were fortunate to have a visit from firemen from South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue. We learnt all about fire alarms, fire safety and how to keep ourselves safe in an emergency. We found out it was essential to have a battery in your fire alarm and to test it works at least one day a week. Next, we learnt all about fire safety and what to do in case we catch fire. We need to stop, drop and roll to make sure the fire doesn’t get worse. Finally, in an emergency it is important to leave everything and leave by the nearest fire exit. What an informative afternoon we have all had.

What is love? 💕

Today, in Crew Boswell, during our RE lesson we began to think about what love really is. We began the session by looking at some popular quotes from the Bible such as, ‘love is patient, love is kind’ that often people share at Christian celebrations in churches such as weddings. These quotes really got us thinking about what love is, who we love, what love looks like, what difference loves makes to us, the community and the wider world, as well as what love isn’t. We shared our thoughts around love and recorded these ‘What love means to Crew Boswell’. We then each created a heart to show what we thought love was using drawings and writing.

Odd Socks Crew

Today in crew we started to think about Anti-Bullying week and kicked this off with showing off our odd socks! We celebrated everything that makes us unique and special. It was a great start to the week and linked perfectly with World Kindness Day 🌎 💜

Lest we forget

As a mark of respect and to show our gratitude to those who served and are serving our country, we held a special presentation for Remembrance Day. The remembrance service was led by KS1 this year as they have been learning about the significant heroes during their history case study this term. We are so proud of the respect, compassion and remembrance shown by our children throughout the service. If you would like to take a look at our whole school art work and wreaths, it will be in the main foyer, next week.