Celebrating St George

In Crew this morning we discussed who Saint George was and why is is celebrated on 23rd April. We worked collaboratively to make a handprint dragon as part of our crew challenge.

At lunchtime we enjoyed our indoor picnic served in a union flag box!

Finally this afternoon we completed our St George’s Day quest. We had to complete three craft activities including pointillism dragons, collage shields and a London inspired Union flag. The children loved taking part in all the activities and collecting stickers when they completed a challenge.

What is democracy?

This afternoon, we celebrated St Georges day by looking into the story of St George. We learned that St George was a Christian who lived in Turkey. He became a Roman soldier at the age of 17. The ruler at the time wanted to punish Christians but St George stood up for them. Unfortunately he was punished for this but his bravery didn’t go unnoticed. He was rewarded and became a patron saint. We then looked at the British Values, in particular democracy. We found out that democracy means that everyone has a say and the right to vote. You have to be the age of 18 to vote but that didn’t stop us. We had 3 politicians who had a manifesto. We then went to the polling station and cast our vote on a ballot paper. Shelby won our vote by gaining the majority!

The lost toy dance

In our PE lesson we have enjoyed creating our own dance thinking about toys in a toy box. We have got very good at counting in our heads to make sure we are all in time and doing it together.

Experience Day – Charlie and the Chocolate factory

In our writing lesson today, we first completed a silent conversation and chotted down notices, actions and feelings that we could see in the pictures from the film. We then watched the clip of Charlie and the Chocolate factory and chotted some amazing vocabulary we could use in our writing. We even used the thesaurus to uplevel this vocabulary. After that, we then put parts of the film in order of which they happened. We did have to watch the clip a few times to make sure we got them in the correct order but this was a great way to get to fully understand the writing journey we will be going on.

Mayan timeline

Today, we looked at when the Mayan civilisation existed. First, we looked at what vocabulary would come up in todays lesson. We matched the vocab to the correct definition. This really got us thinking but we were able to use our knowledge from the Romans and make the links. For example, we remembered that Julius Caeser and Emperor Claudius were rulers of the Roman empire. We then consolidated our learning by sequencing the events. Then we placed the events on the timeline. We had a great discussion about BC and AD and how the numbers descend and then ascend.

Experience day in MI

Today we started our new writing unit, a narrative using a clip from Literacy shed which we absolutely love! The clip is called ‘Tadeo Jones’ and links to our new expedition.

First of all we thought about what a narrative is and what features are included. We then found these features in an example narrative. Next we rewatched the clip thinking about what the character sees, hears, smells and feels at specific parts in the clip. We did some freeze framing for different parts of the story as well as thought bubbles to express ideas at different stages of the clip. We then worked in mini crews to chot our own ideas for our senses before feeding back to the whole crew.

We then moved onto think about the main character. We created a role on the wall thinking about Tadeo’s personality and appearance. Our debrief allowed us to reflect on the features of a narrative and we pop corned expanded noun phrases that we had built to describe the setting earlier.