To finish off our unit we had a quiz to test our computing knowledge. I was so impressed with how much you could recall. Well done!
Number 1 Fun
This week, we have been finishing our learning about Number 1. We have been practicing writing and building number 1 in different ways
Caring for our sunflowers!
This morning in XP Outdoors, we planted our sunflowers outside in bigger pots to that they could grow big and strong in the bright sunshine! We carefully took our plants out of their small plant pots, made a small hole in the compost and patted our sunflowers firmly into their new pot. After that, we watered them to make sure they had had a good drink, and now we will keep our fingers crossed that they carry on growing!
In our PE lesson today, we have worked on our batting skills. We made sure we were stood sideways on in front of the bowler. We also made sure we watched the ball so we could time our hit. We continued to work on our underarm throw because this is a super important skill in rounders. We enjoyed playing a mini game of rounders to practice everything we have learnt so far.
Grammar recap
Today the children were recapping on what they’ve learnt so far in grammar.
In history today they were looking at the process on how to make chocolate from a cacao bean and then sequencing them in order.
Y5/6 intra-Rounders tournament
What do we know about Jesus?
As part of RE this week, we have started to think about what we know about Jesus. We looked at who he was, what he did (including his main life events) and why he is so important to Christians. Lots of us could remember that he was born in Bethlehem and that the celebration of Christmas celebrates his birth. From the lesson we learnt that he was a great teacher (he taught people about God’s love), he had 12 special friends (his disciples), died on the cross (for his people) and rose from the dead. We also learnt that he was kind and caring and helped many people.
Experiencing building Noah’s Boat!
This week, as part of The Write Stuff we have begun to read a new book, ‘All afloat on Noah’s boat’ to support our Expedition learning. The book begins with Noah building his ark, therefore we worked in mini crews to build our own arks just like him. During the activity we also generated lots of vocabulary that Mrs Elmer chotted so that we could use this to empower our writing at the end of the week. Such as, we thought about the actions that we were doing that would have been similar to Noah, ‘tapping’, ‘fixing’, ‘concentrating’ and ‘joining’. We also shared how we felt building the arks to experience how we thought Noah might be feeling, ‘happy and excited because I love building’, ‘happy, I like crafting’, ‘nervous and frightened because my boat might not be big enough’, ‘scared because my boat might not float’, ‘hot and tired because building is hard work’. Watch this space for some fabulous writing to come!
Super Scottys session
Wow! Mick really put us to the test today as we completed several different challenges. We had to work as a team to complete the variety of strength and fitness activities. We worked super hard to complete each activity but found carrying the tyre above our heads quite tricky.