Watch some members of Crew Mcloughlin demonstrating their knowledge of ‘what is a subject?’ in our grammar lesson.
Category : Curriculum
What is gravity and how does it work?
This week, we kick started Case Study 2, physics, by looking at the force of gravity. We discussed what a force was and identified that most of the crew already knew that gravity was the reason why we ‘stick to the floor’ and do not float. We then built up our background knowledge by watching a few videos that provided more information on gravity. Each time we watched a new video, we added extra information to our chotting sheet, changing colour each time. We then read a text on Isaac Newton, the scientist that discovered gravity when an apple fell down from a tree, and added even more information.

Once we had our background knowledge secure, we looked at Newton Metres which are used to measure the effect of gravity on an object. We had a go at measuring objects from around the classroom which we really enjoyed. We then worked in mini crews to use what we knew about gravity to create marble runs! We knew that gravity would bring the marble down to the floor so came up with some creative ways of making the marble move.

Irregular Verbs
Once we were secure in our knowledge of regular verbs and regular verb phrases, we moved on to looking at irregular verbs. These are verbs in which the root word changes when you turn them into past tense. For example, run -> ran. We activated our learning by playing a game of stand up, sit down. We were shown a number of verbs and had to stand up if we believed they were an irregular verb or stay sat down if we believed they were a regular verb. Following this, we looked at a selection of verbs and had to identify the odd one out. We worked in mini crews and were able to identify that 3 out of 4 of our verbs were regular and the odd one out was an irregular verb. We then had a go at turning irregular verbs into past tense – fly -> flew, throw -> threw etc. We ended the lesson by completing an exit ticket to consolidate our learning, showing that we could write irregular verbs in past, present and future tense.

Regular Verb Phrases
We continued our PVPG journey this week by starting with regular verb phrases. We activated our learning with a consolidation of our to be and to have verbs, organising them into two groups. We then had a quick recap of modal verbs and had a go at writing some simple sentences that included these. Once we had done this, we looked again at verb phrases, refreshing our memory from the previous lesson. We then identified regular verb phrases within sentences and completed our exit ticket to consolidate our learning.

Xp outdoors
Crew Welburn loved getting out in the forest and getting muddy. They found lots of interesting bugs. We even found slug eggs.

Book talk in MI
We really loved the activate part of our reading lesson today, an inference activity. We read a short passage and discussed the questions in mini crews. I was blown away with some of the ideas the children came up with! We then moved onto another non fiction extract on evacuation. We used lots of our expeditionary learning when discussing the text further. There was some great skimming and scanning of the text today to find answers during our reasons to read. I was particularly impressed with the questions children were asking and how engaged they were. Our exit ticket really showed children’s improved confidence with skimming and scanning.

Applying our knowledge of women’s roles
Today we built on the knowledge we had gained on women’s roles during WW2 and applied this to a short piece of writing. We thought about what life was like for women before the war and why the opportunities of women were different to men. We then wrote about how the experiences of women changed when WW2 broke out and why this changed happened. From he we thought about how women’s lives then changed after the war and peoples attitudes towards women. This was a great exit ticket helping us reflect on our learning.

Crew McLoughlin are blowing me away with our knowledge of nouns and verbs! In our latest unit focusing on verbs we have not just covered verbs to be, verbs to have and action verbs but secured our knowledge on singular and plural, simple past, present and future tense. Whilst covering this we have discussed standard English and the use of regular and irregular verbs in verb phrases.

This is a lot to get your head around but the children have met their HoWL targets every lesson and as a result met their learning targets. Check out our learning journey of our PVPG so far!

Arithmetic consolidation
To consolidate our operation skills we participated in a carousel of activities. There were four stations: short division, long division, long multiplication and TTRS as we are still getting some questions incorrect because of our times tables knowledge!

Roman numerals…
Today in Crew MI, we enjoyed learning about roman numerals. We decided it was like trying to crack a code. We learnt that different letters meant different symbols and we had to put them in the right order to create our numbers. We then put this into practise a completed a task on my maths.