Bullcroft Christmas Light Switch On

A number of our Year 5/6 pupils sang a selection of Christmas carols to celebrate the Christmas lights being switch on at Bullcroft Memorial Hall. It was lovely to hear the children singing so beautifully! A huge thank you to the children who attended – even though it was on a Saturday! And a massive thank you to the grown ups who joined us. Feeling very proud!

Writing so far…

To activate into our experience day we refreshed our subject knowledge of physics, with a particular focus on our CS2 expeditionary learning all about forces. What better way to do this other than a Kahoot! We then focused on our writing focus of exploring features in a non chronological report. To begin with we focused on identifying the presentational features and with a partner analysed the text’s purpose and audience of our model. We then delved deeper by reading and identifying the language features whilst considering the purpose. We did the same again with another non chronological report on a different subject to reiterate the text-type specific features in non chronological reports. 

Experience Day Part 2

In part 2 of our experience day, we began critiquing presentational features of various non chronological reports made by children to spark our imagination. We also chotted ideas for titles and headings using miss’ help sheet she had created. Finally, we planned the layout of our individual non chronological reports.

Sentence Days

So far we have written 4 plot points of our non chronological report. We have retrieving facts from a given text based on our structure, then up-levelled based on our targets. Throughout the process we have used childrens examples to critique in order to help us purple pen our own work. We will be ready to draft next week and we cannot wait to publish them into beautiful double page spreads!

Grammar in MI

Today we discussed cohesion within and between paragraphs. We spent some time unpicking different paragraphs on different extinct animals. We discussed TIDE, where we found the transition/introductory sentence, the we found the development sentences then moving onto the ending sentence. We used highlighters to show these different sections. We then focussed on the Tecopa pupfish again using TIDE to explore the paragraph. From here we grouped our facts into sections which will support us when we write our plot point.

We then moved onto modifying the different verbs in a paragraph with adverbials. We looked at a piece of text, identifying the verb/verb phrase, the subject and the leftovers. We quickly realised that the sentences were very simple and included lots of repetition. From here we used TRaMP yo modify an adverbial, thinking about time, reason, manner and place. We then moved the adverbials around to show different structures. We are looking forward to continuing with this tomorrow.

Basketball club with Eagle Hoops

I have been blown away at the progression with their skills and also sportsmanship within their basketball club. The children attend every Friday lunch time and I thoroughly enjoy watching them grow as individuals but also as small teams! Some great skills developing but the encouragement they give each other is such a great personality trait to have! The language they’re using is also impressive, as they know when it’s the other teams throw-in, foul due to ill play and knowledge around dribbling and passing correctly. Super impressive KS1