Word problems in maths

Such resilience today in our maths lesson where we tackled some challenging word problems. Such collaborative working, supporting each other to get smart. A great start to the week MI 🙂

Symmetrical patterns in MI

Today we looked at different patters where we tried to reflect them across a line of symmetry. We then used a mirror line to help us to draw missing sides of shapes. We also thought about what shapes we had created. We used a mirror to help support our learning.

A great first day back in MI

We started our day with a morning task around formal and informal language and the children worked hard to unpick the questions, discussing their answers with a partner then voicing their thoughts. We built on this in our main grammar session where we thought more about Standard and Non Standard English.

In our arithmetic session we looked at misconceptions from our previous arithmetic paper then applied our knowledge to a variety of questions.

In our maths lesson we looked at coordinates across 4 quadrants. We took part in a range of activities plotting coordinates, finding coordinates and making shapes. We then applied our knowledge to some reasoning and problem solving questions which really challenged our thinking.

AMAZING Mathematicians!

This week in our Achievers Assembly, we celebrated all of those Year 4s in school we have achieved 25/25 on the Multiplications Tables Check (MTC) that we complete weekly in school. These children have absolutely smashed it and have been able to correctly complete 25 questions in a record breaking 2 and a half minutes, some children even quicker! Massive congratulations to you all!

All Year 4 children will complete the National MTC test in June. For any children who have not yet passed they have the next 3 months to practise their timetables as much as they can! I know all staff in year 3/4 classes have planned lots of exciting activities to help children to learn these in the upcoming months! Hopefully as the weeks pass we will get to celebrate lots more of the children passing this test!

For those of you that want to practise at home, please use the following link: https://urbrainy.com/mtc

These websites are also helpful in helping children to learn their timestables: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button, https://ttrockstars.com and https://www.timestables.co.uk

Arithmetic progression in MI

Today children in MI completed an arithmetic paper. We have been working so hard on all areas of arithmetic ensuring we are thinking about the methods we need to use. I am blown away by the results today and scores are reflecting the hard work MI are putting in. It is so lovely to see children’s faces when they have shown improvements and it is also fantastic to see children applying all the skills that they have been taught. I am so proud of you all, keep up the hard work 🙂

MI maths learning

We explored patterns and fractions in our magic maths lesson then we moved onto capacity in our main maths lesson. We converted between ml and L when answering questions and used our knowledge of dividing and multiplying by 1000 to help us with this. There was lots of great collaboration throughout the lesson today, great work MI 🙂

LKS2 – Measuring

Last week, the children in LKS2 worked incredibly hard to measure the length of different objects around the classroom. The children actively participated and remembered to start measuring at 0cm. Some children were even able to measure to the nearest mm. Well done everyone!