Mining Fact-file

Hook week continued yesterday by allowing the children time to consolidate previous learning by giving them time to research and create a fact-file about mining. Children focused this more towards their local community so they could remind themselves of the importance mining played to the exisitance of Carcroft.


Today we finished our History case study by learning about the Suffragettes. We ordered a timeline of important events and had some great discussions. Lovely to see the children asking questions to either clarify something or move their learning forward.

Martin Luther King – How did he change our future?

Today, we have been learning more about Martin Luther King who peacefully protested for equal rights for all black people. We learned about how this man’s willingness to stand up for what was right made vital changes to laws so black people had equal rights. Some great discussions and mini crew work to start building background knowledge.

Significant events

As we continue through our History case study, we started to think about significant events and how these have impacted today’s society.

We started with a silent conversation where children had to think about what the image showed and when in history it took place.

Once we had finished discussing the events and when we thought they happened. It was time to match the image with the statement before putting them in chronological order. Lovely to see that some children already had some prior knowledge of these events such as Titanic, the Queen’s coronation.

Building background knowledge in MI

Today we continued our history case study and started to learn about Martin Luther King Jr. We used a variety sources to find out as much as we could about Martin Luther King Jr and shared this information with the rest of our mini crew. We helped each other digest information then took part in a gallery walk during our debrief to find out what other mini crews had found out. We also offered some critique to each group. We have really worked on our work hard and get smart howl today but actively participating and encouraging others to take part too.

Here are our finished BBK grids…

MI begin their history case study

What a fantastic expeditionary lesson we had today! So many discussions and voices have been heard. It was so lovely to hear children voicing their opinions and thoughts and linking these to past events. Here children are thinking about a variety of images and what they represent. Children used their knowledge from the starter activity where we thought about inequality through gender, race, employment and wealth. We also thought about the terms equality and equity and what these mean.

We then thought about what equality and equity looks like in MI. We captured small snapshots of our ideas and discussed these in our debrief. Can you guess what we were trying to show?

We then moved onto significant events from history and discussed the importance of photographs. We completed lots of activities working in mini crews and by the end of the session each crew had built their own timeline showing significant events. We will discuss these events in more detail tomorrow. We added our timeline to our anchor chart and will refer to it throughout our history case study.

News Broadcast

During Hook week, the children had to produce a short broadcast on a news topic of their choice. They completed some research and wrote their own script. When this was complete, they practiced before videoing their broadcast.

Consider the short length of time they had to complete this, I feel they did a great job. There were 20 raffle tickets each for the group that were voted the best. The group that won were voted the best as they had really thought about the process and features they have seen in real broadcasts.

You can access the video by using the QR code. Happy viewing.

History of Cameras

Today, we have explored how we know about events from the past where the children spoke about diaries, photos and newspapers as sources of evidence.

We then completed a gallery walk where children had to look at cameras, discuss the design and put them in chronological order.

I was impressed how the children could confidently decide whether a camera had been invented before or after the previous one we discussed.

First day back…

It has been a busy first day back as we caught on all the delightful things that happened over Christmas but also getting back into our routine. In Crew Shields, we find routines and structure very important so essential that we get settled in quickly.

We started the day with Crew and finding out what Santa delivered. Lots of very lucky children this Christmas.

We then started into reading which is a new text about the eye. We reminded ourselves about the importance of text marking and how this can support our comprehension.

During Expedition, we started with some hook activities to get us immersed in our learning. Absolutely great to see we have some history experts in the room. I may need to use that knowledge as we move through this expedition. We even started to infer what we think the guided questions may be based on what we’ve done so far. The big reveal will happen on Friday and no doubt we’ll be able to have some more guesses at the question.