News Broadcast

During Hook week, the children had to produce a short broadcast on a news topic of their choice. They completed some research and wrote their own script. When this was complete, they practiced before videoing their broadcast.

Consider the short length of time they had to complete this, I feel they did a great job. There were 20 raffle tickets each for the group that were voted the best. The group that won were voted the best as they had really thought about the process and features they have seen in real broadcasts.

You can access the video by using the QR code. Happy viewing.

History of Cameras

Today, we have explored how we know about events from the past where the children spoke about diaries, photos and newspapers as sources of evidence.

We then completed a gallery walk where children had to look at cameras, discuss the design and put them in chronological order.

I was impressed how the children could confidently decide whether a camera had been invented before or after the previous one we discussed.

First day back…

It has been a busy first day back as we caught on all the delightful things that happened over Christmas but also getting back into our routine. In Crew Shields, we find routines and structure very important so essential that we get settled in quickly.

We started the day with Crew and finding out what Santa delivered. Lots of very lucky children this Christmas.

We then started into reading which is a new text about the eye. We reminded ourselves about the importance of text marking and how this can support our comprehension.

During Expedition, we started with some hook activities to get us immersed in our learning. Absolutely great to see we have some history experts in the room. I may need to use that knowledge as we move through this expedition. We even started to infer what we think the guided questions may be based on what we’ve done so far. The big reveal will happen on Friday and no doubt we’ll be able to have some more guesses at the question.

Lest we forget!

LKS2 performed their songs remembering those who lost their lives during past Wars remarkably well! It was such a special occasion as Years 3 and 4 performed at a remembrance service along with Years 1 to 6. The children spoke impressively well and sang beautifully, as the audience watched on respectfully. As part of the service, each Crew laid a poppy wreath at the front of the hall, after creating these wonderful tributes as part of Crew sessions and with each looking unique. Then, as the clocks hit 11, there was an impeccable minutes silence held by all.

This was held alongside our Expedition, as LKS2 researches ‘how war changes lives’. Some children even sang along to the songs that were performed, which was lovely to see.

Check out the video below of the beautiful singing taking place!

Thank you to Miss McGlone for helping prepare the children for the Service, as well as Mrs Wight and Miss Lee for helping the children learn their speaking roles!

We shall remember, on this Remembrance Weekend!

LKS2 Historians! 🕵️‍♂️🕵️

LKS2 have been learning about the roles of men and women during World War 2. This week, we have researched the different roles men had. The children learnt that men did many jobs; such as: working in industry, down the mines, for the police force, as a fire officer, as an ARP Warden and many many more. The children presented their information by making posters. They were so eager to show off all their new learning. 

LKS2 War Propaganda! 👊

LKS2 have been working on creating propaganda for the War effort. We have learned this week about the roles of women during the Second World War and thought it would be a great idea to encourage more help for the effort. We learned that these posters were important in making women want to help with the War effort and fill the important roles that men had left behind.

We certainly think that these posters would have encouraged more people to help during the Second World War!

Rationing Experience Day! 🥬🥚🍞

On Friday, LKS2 had a carrousel of activities, which enabled the children to experience rationing, as if we were transported back in time to the Second World War. With Mrs Elmer, the children were able to create their own ration books and understand the importance they played in feeding the country. In Miss Flaherty’s session, children were busy being bakers – they made and baked their own bread. Finally, in Mr Gerrard’s group, children were completing a taste test of different foods that fed Britain during the Second World War. Children were either pleased to be eating spam, corned beef, crackers, tinned fruit and rice pudding, or for a number, they were not!

LKS2 Expert Questions! 🕵️🕵️

As part of Expedition, LKS2 generated questions to ask their experts about life during the Second World War. This is in order to better understand how war changes lives. The experts are extra special to Mrs Lewins and Mr Gerrard, as they are grandparents to each.

The excitement from the children was amazing to see, with lots of fantastic questions being asked. We generated a list in which all the children contributed a question to ask these special experts. The engagement was fantastic and we know these experts will share lots of amazing knowledge about their lives during the Second World War!