Scotty’s Heroes

Crew Hamill had so much fun going out into our forest area to complete our next Scotty’s session. This session focused on creating a shelter that we would be able to protect ourselves from the elements in! We worked in mini crews to use the equipment given to create a space that we could hide from the rain. We then looked at what we could put inside our shelter to make it more comfortable! Well done to Kira and Taylor who earned Scotty’s Heroes this week due to their stewardship for packing away the equipment another crew had left behind!


Last week, Crew Hamill were focusing on how we can recognise and talk about our emotions. As part of this lesson, we discussed facial expressions and how these helped us to decide how someone might be feeling. As a crew activity, we decided to take part in a random act of kindness that we could use to spread a little happiness around school to hopefully help others feel more positive emotions. For this, we created some bookmarks which we have placed in the school library for people to take and use when they are reading for pleasure. We hope that these will bring a smile to some people’s faces!

Visit to Santa!

Crew Hamill loved their visit to Santa yesterday and we didn’t let the Grinch scare us. (Well, not too much!) How lovely to receive a gift each – some of us have started reading them already! 🙂

Scotty’s Heroes

Crew Hamill were very lucky on Friday and were able to take part in an extra Scotty’s session which focused on survival skills. We carefully followed instructions to use a flint and steel to create fire! We began by learning how to use the flint and steel properly to create sparks and then used this to set a piece of cotton wool on fire. Once we’d mastered this skill, we added some vaseline to our cotton wool balls and set them alight again. This time, they burned for longer and create a flame! We had SO much fun!

Children In Need – Pie Time!

To celebrate Children In Need, everyone who came to school and made a donation was able to take part in splatting Titch in the face with a whipped cream ‘pie’! It’s safe to say, everyone had fun! Even some of the adults joined in!

World Kindness Day

Crew Hamill really enjoyed taking part in the interactive World Kindness Day assembly last week. We were really inspired by the stories we were told by the host and we have used this to reflect on our Be Kind HoWL. We have created ‘Kindness Balloons’ in our crew and will be adding a balloon every time someone does something kind. We’re hoping to have enough to make our house fly, like in Up! We also completed kindness tickets in which we wrote a note to someone who was important to us, explaining why we thought they were amazing.