We followed a festive mindful meditation tutorial.

We followed a festive mindful meditation tutorial.
We enjoy taking time to regulate by following mindful meditation videos. It makes us feel nice and calm and ready to learn first thing on a Monday morning. 😌
Yesterday, Crew Shields had their Christmas party where we played musical chairs and statues, pass the parcel and had a little boogie. Great fun had by all.
In challenge crew this week, we played a game of Christmas charades. We had to act out different things for our crew to guess! Some of the ones we had to act out were “catching a snowflake on your tongue”, “putting the star on the top of the tree” and “making snow angels”. We had lots of fun!🎄👏
In crew, we have worked on really unpicking how we show respect and manners around school. We thought of some great examples such as “saying please and thank you when I get my dinner” and “holding the door open for my crew”. The most important message that Crew Thompson came up with was “treat others how we would want to be treated”.
We are determined in MI to ensure we can tie our shoe laces so we have been busy practising this morning! 🙂
Today in our caring crew we discussed the importance of respectful relationships. We thought about times where others may have not shown respect for us personally and how this made us feel. We then watched a clip all around respect. We stopped the clip at different points and discussed what was happening. We were really shocked with how the clip ended and it really made us think about what had actually happened. We discussed what we would do if we saw things happening in the clip and then thought about times where we had seen others not showing respect. It was great to just voice our ideas and listen to the stories of others. In our debrief we went back to our guiding question of ‘Why should I respect other people?’ we discussed this again, offering our thoughts and opinions. A great crew session 🙂
For today’s crew challenge, Crew Hamill got into pairs to go head to head in a game of Toe Tag. We had to stand back to back and on a given signal turn around and try to tap our partner’s toes with our own. The first person to 3 tags, was the winner!
Today we thought about why we have laws and what can happen if we break the law. We began by thinking about what we already know about the law in our country and what these laws do. We then looked at some of our British laws and we discussed in mini crews how they help and protect British citizens. We then moved onto thinking about consequences and what consequences there may be for people that break the law. We looked at a variety of pictures where people have made bad choices. We discussed the consequences that may have been in place. Finally we closed our eyes and imagined what the world would be like without any laws. We voiced one word to describe our thoughts and shared our feelings with the whole crew.
This week in our citizenship crew we discussed what a community is and what it means to belong to one. We thought about our school community, who is part of it and how each person contributes. We thought about the term ‘community spirit’ and what it means to us. We then worked in mini crews to explore some images of a community. We thought about what is happening in each picture, how the people are contributing to the community and how the people are showing ‘community spirit’. In our debrief we thought about how we all could positively contribute to our communities and we made our own pledges. A great session crew MI 🙂