Book Talk – ABC

In book talk this week, we have honed back in on our inference skills and how to ensure we are answering the questions with enough detail. We have focused on ensuring that we are reading around the text but also checking back to the question so we can ensure we are selecting the right information. In addition, we’ve also had a focus on vocabulary and how we need to understand the words we’re reading as this will help our comprehension of the text.

Our do now activities, have given us the opportunities to use our inference skills on not only images but also text which is the one we find a little tricky. We were able to give some good reasoning for our inference. We started using a new strategy where we either agree, build on or challenge (ABC) someone’s answer but ensuring we are doing this in a respectful manner.

Creating an animation

This afternoon, we continued with our computing unit where we had to create n animation following some instructions. Erik was our expert because he is a whizz on scratch which meant he was able to coach some of the children through the steps. This is something we will continue with next time as we’re hoping now that we’ve been shown how to do it, we can be bit more independent next time.

Is there a mistake?

Yesterday afternoon, we were set the challenge to see if Miss Shields had made any mistakes in the arithmetic test. This is a skill that we’ve been trying to improve as we have been making some minor errors in our arithmetic tests that could be corrected if we ensured we checked our working out. We were able to spot the mistakes and could identify where she had gone wrong.

Find the Shape

Our next writing consisted of starting to unpick the model and look at examples of a non chronological report. We started off the lesson with a silent conversation where we had an opportunity to unpick the features of the model that had been completed for them. Children were good at identifying fronted adverbials, conjunctions, rhetorical questions and subject specific vocabulary.

Next they worked alongside their partner to unpick some double page spreads that are similar to what they will be producing at the end of this piece of writing. We saw some lovely collaboration between the pairs in crew. Once we were happy, we’d picked all the features out, we created a checklist that we’ll use when we write our own plot points.

Grammar – Non Chronological report

In our grammar lesson, we’ve really been honing in on the appropriate fronted adverbials and conjunctions you’d use within a non chronological report. We spent some time thinking about how we could link facts using fronted adverbials and which ones would best fit into the sentence. We also looked at models of a fiction and non fictions piece of writing so we could see the difference between the two. Finally we worked alongside our partner to start putting facts about the Mayans into sentences using appropriate fronted adverbials.


In RE last week, we started to learn about how Hindus pray. We found this really interesting especially with how they give a food offering and how they have shrines within their homes where they’ll pray to their chosen God.