In our expedition lesson we took our learning outside into the sunshine.
We used chalk to draw around each other and then labelled as many body parts as we could. It was lovely to see everyone so engaged. Well done crew!
In our expedition lesson we took our learning outside into the sunshine.
We used chalk to draw around each other and then labelled as many body parts as we could. It was lovely to see everyone so engaged. Well done crew!
To hook us into our new book we used our sense of touch. Mrs Robson allowed us to put our hand into the box and see what we could feel. This was our first clue to our new book. We came up with lots of adjectives to describe what we felt.
Next we completed a jigsaw of the front cover to reveal the name of the new book. We used our prediction skills and made links to books we already knew such as Little Red Riding Hood.
Finally we had another guess about what might be in the mystery box. We opened it up to reveal a turnip. Aimee in the kitchen had kindly cooked some for us to try too!
To hook us into our new book we made a jigsaw from the front cover and made predictions about what might happen in the book.
We then practiced our cutting skills again and chopped some tomatoes, cucumber, pepper and onion to make some tasty gazpacho following a recipe from the back of the book.
Today we tested out our mini tables sticks for the first time to practice looking for patterns in our five times tables!
The children in CrewRobson loved their Scotty’s Heroes session today. They learnt about the fire triangle and how to use a flint and steel safely.
Shout out to Jasper who was our Hero of the Week!
As part of our second case study “keep growing” we have been learning about the different parts of a plant. First we looked at a plant and learnt some new vocabulary including stem, roots, flower and leaves. We then learnt about the important job each part has to ensure the plant thrives.
Some children then went out into our school grounds to see what plants they could see! They even took some photos on the iPad.
Today in KS1 we hooked into our learning by looking at what a plant is. To be able to do this over the next few weeks we have planted our own pea plant to watch them grow.
LT: To divide into equal parts
In this lesson, we used the cubes to help us divide amounts equally into different groups. We then had to read worded questions and some of us used our whiteboards and counters to help.
In reading yesterday, we focused on our reading fluency and reading with expression. Miss Shields did an echo read to model how to read with expression then the children worked in small groups to work on a small section together. They had some time to practice before performing to the rest of the class. I was very impressed with how quickly they picked it up.