Dividing in Y2

LT: To divide into equal parts

In this lesson, we used the cubes to help us divide amounts equally into different groups. We then had to read worded questions and some of us used our whiteboards and counters to help.

Reading Prosody

In reading yesterday, we focused on our reading fluency and reading with expression. Miss Shields did an echo read to model how to read with expression then the children worked in small groups to work on a small section together. They had some time to practice before performing to the rest of the class. I was very impressed with how quickly they picked it up.

Bob Marley Sing Along

Crew Robson loved watching the Bob Marley Sing-a-Long in Crew this morning.

There were lots of children who were eager to join choir in KS2 next year and participate in Young Voices next year!

Do you want to make a pizza?

Yesterday the children in Crew Robson practiced their chopping, grating and spreading skills to make their very own pitta pizzas. They really impressed me with how they worked together to support each other. It was lovely to see them enjoying their fruits of their labour too! Great work Crew!