Building a bridge to escape the troll πŸ‘Ή

After reading the Three Billy Goat’s Gruff, we decided we wanted to build a bridge that crossed the water tray so that the animals could cross over safely. Harlow and Hunter decided that it would be a good idea to use wood from the small world area but after trying to lay it across the tray, they realised that it was too short to cross on its own and so they tried to lay two pieces of wood across the tray. This made it longer but they were not secured and so kept falling into the water below. They worked together with Carsen and Kingsley to wrap tape around both pieces to secure them together. This worked and the bridge successfully provided a route for the water animals!

Exploring Capacity

Crew MW began exploring capacity this week in maths. We looked at the vocabulary, full, empty, half full, nearly full and nearly empty and then showed what each of these words looked like with our cups and the water. We then had to find a container that would hold more and less water than our cup would. We loved exploring how much water all of the different containers could hold, and we found out that containers with holes in cannot hold water, as it all leaks out!

Story telling in Crew MW

To finish off our week of β€˜The Three Billy Goats Gruff’, Crew MW invited their siblings into their classroom to tell them the story that we’d been learning. We used our bridges, trolls and other props to tell the story, and repeated familiar phrases like, β€˜Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge?!’ to show what each character said. We had so much fun with our brothers and sisters!

Building Bridges!

Today in expedition, we built bridges for our billy goats to cross the river. We started by looking at some bridges that other children had made and looking at the equipment that they had used to create them. Then we worked with a partner to decide what equipment we would use to create our own bridges. We looked at which resources would make strong bridges and why they would be strong, before getting to work and building with our partners! Have a look at our creations…

Forest School Fun!

Today in Crew MW, we had a walk round to forest school to take part in some outdoor learning. We took some clay out with us and used rolling pins to roll it out flat. We then collected an interesting object like a leaf or a branch and rolled this into the clay to make a print. We were really excited with how our prints came out and we can’t wait to paint them and have a look at them all once they’ve dried!

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Today in Crew MW, we hooked into our first story – The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We found a map in our classroom with a red X on it and some words explaining that we needed to β€˜trip trap over’…After lots of discussion and a closer look at the map, we worked out that the map was showing our outdoor area, and that we needed to trip trap over the bridge! We had lots of feelings in our classroom before going outside. Some of us felt scared, worried and nervous, and some of us felt really excited! As we trip trapped over the bridge as a crew, we suddenly heard a big, scary voice from under the bridge shouting, β€˜Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge?’ It was a TROLL!! We quickly ran inside to safety where we found a story had been left for us. It was The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We read through the story together and decided that the troll was very scary indeed! I wonder what we will get up to next week…

Crew MW’s hook into expedition

Crew MW began their new expedition this week – Who is hiding in the pages of this book? We hooked into the expedition by reading a story called β€˜The Great Fairytale Disaster’. The story told us all about the Big Bad Wolf from the Three Little Pigs, and how he got bored of his own story so he went in search of a new fairytale to be in. We loved finding all of the different characters throughout the story and matching them to their fairytales. After that, we went on a character hunt around school to see who we could find. When we got back, we looked at the different characters and predicted that we would be looking at three stories throughout our expedition. We sorted the characters into β€˜The Gingerbread Man’, β€˜Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, and β€˜the Three Billy Goats Gruff’. We’re very excited to get started!