Today, we were very lucky to take part in a wonderful experience brought to us by M&M productions, The Jungle Book. Many of us knew the story of Mowgli and it was fantastic to see the story brought to life!

Today, we were very lucky to take part in a wonderful experience brought to us by M&M productions, The Jungle Book. Many of us knew the story of Mowgli and it was fantastic to see the story brought to life!
Over the next two weeks in Crew MW, we are going to be story writers! We’re looking at the story, ‘Pirates Love Underpants!’ This morning, we’ve got into character as pirates, hopped on our pirate ship, and travelled across the ocean until we heard the captain shout, ‘land ahoy!’ Once we had all jumped off the ship, we explore the island that we found, and used our notice lens to describe what we could see. We can’t wait to write the first part of our story!
Well done to everyone who joined me this morning to showcase their beautiful work 🙂
In Crew MW, we have been creating our collages ready to be included in our final product. We started by practising our cutting skills before applying them to cut out an outline of a creature from under the sea. We cut along different types of lines and even challenged ourselves to cut around shapes!
After a discussion around collaging and the skills needed to do this, we then began to collage our creatures to create our first draft.
We then spent time doing a gallery walk to provide our peers with praises and wonders to form critique to make our sea creature collages even better. We talked about using different materials in different ways to create different textures, as well as making sure that most of the white areas were covered to make our collage look more effective. We then got to work acting upon these wonders, reflecting on making improvements to our existing work.
In PE this week, we started looking at fundamentals, starting with balancing. We imagined we were tightrope walkers at the circus and began by practising walking in a straight line with our arms outstretched to the side. We then used a balance beam to walk across, concentrating on how we could stay balanced. Some of us were a little apprehensive about this beforehand, but as a crew we encouraged everyone to have a go and we were all successful!
In crew, we played a game called ‘Giant’s Keys’. The ‘giant’ was sat on a chair in the middle of the circle, with their keys underneath. One person in the circle had to quietly steal the keys. Once they had successfully been stolen, we all put our arms behind our backs before the giant tried to guess who had stolen their keys!
In our crew challenge this morning, we worked together to pass an object around without waking up the sleeping dragon! We worked really well to pass around the bells and the tambourine without making a sound…and we succeeded! Well done Crew MW!
To continue with our unit on ‘Down there under the sea’, we recapped our physical warm up from the previous lesson. We then reminded ourselves of the lyrics to our song and used picture prompts to help us think about the content of each verse.
We then listened to the sounds of the sea being made using percussion instruments and thought about how we could use the instruments in our classroom to create similar sounds.
We represented seagulls, crabs and waves using different percussion instruments and performed as a class to create a seaside soundscape.
We finished the lesson by looking at the notes C-D-E on the glockenspiel. We worked hard to keep in time with our partner to play each note.
We began work on our new unit of work called ‘Down there under the sea’ by first of all warming our bodies up, thinking about making big movements with our arms and legs to represent different activities you would do at the beach – swimming, surfing, making sandcastles, and jumping over waves.
We discussed lots of different sounds that you might hear at the beach, and thought about how we could represent or make similar noises using our voices. We talked about the noise of the waves, seagulls, a rain storm out at sea, as well as a foghorn blaring to help keep ships safe! We worked together as a crew to create short soundscapes for each of the sounds.
We then listened to and responded to a piece of music that represented being underwater. It was accompanied by a video that showed lots of different sea creatures and how they moved in the water. We responded by moving our bodies to the music in different ways and at different speeds.
We finished the lesson by listening to and beginning to learn our new song ‘Down there under the sea’. We listened carefully to the words and started to try singing along at the same time as the song, thinking about how we moved our voice up and down to sing different notes.
We had so much fun with our PE coaches this morning! We learnt lots of new ball skills like bouncing balls and throwing balls! We worked in teams to use our ball skills to collect the pirate treasure and then counted up the treasure to see which team had won! Once we knew how to play the game, we turned off the lights and played it while we glowed! It was so much fun!