Citizenship crew in MI

Today we thought about and discussed why we should share our own thoughts and feelings and how we can do this. We thought about what makes positive and healthy friendships and why it is important to have these. We then looked at some different scenarios, identifying the positive impact of sharing true thoughts and feelings. We unpicked the scenarios and gave our views and opinions on what the individuals should do. Some great discussions today MI 🙂

Book talk continues in MI

Lots of great reading today in MI 🙂 We spent lots of time reading the text over and over. We read independently out loud, we read with our partner and we took part in a chorus read. We explored our new vocabulary and text marked this as we read. We were confident with the questions in our reasons to read and used the text well to support some of our answers. We loved our exit ticket where we had to use all the knowledge we had learnt from reading the text to draw and label our vision of Egypt. We shared these with our partners and then as a whole crew 🙂

Challenge crew in MI

Today we took part in the picture challenge! First we looked at an image together and discussed the instructions we would give to someone who can’t see the picture! We thought about where we would start, what we would say and how we would communicate this. We then had a try with a different image. One partner gave the instructions to the other partner thinking about how they were communicating and what they were saying. We talked about patience for this challenge and encouraging our partner aswell. We then did a gallery walk where we looked at other peoples drawings, giving praises, notices and wonders. We then sat with our partner and gave some further critique. Our debrief allowed us to think about tips for our partner for next week.

RE in Crew MI

This week, in RE we learnt what happens in a Mandir which is a Hindu place of worship. We watched several video clips and learnt about their different Gods and Goddesses. Did you know that Hindus worship in a Mandir but also have a shrine at home?

Writing in MI

Today we used our chotting and shared write from last week to help us to write the appearance section of our non chronological report. We used our target grids well today, trying to include varied conjunctions and different openers. This afternoon we started chotting for the next section, a tigers habitat. We all took part in a shared write, trying hard to make positive contributions.

Book talk in MI

Our entry ticket allowed us to compare Nigeria and Sierra Leone, the text we looked at last week. We then played 4 corners looking at some of the vocabulary that would appear in our text today. We loved playing this and really thought about words in context and the word class of each word. We supported each other and discussed the words before moving to the corner we thought was correct. Today we did some independent reading but we all read out-loud. We tried to work on the pace of our reading, Mrs McClare even set timers for some parts! Our reasons to read allowed us to think about our impression of Africa but we had to use the text to support our answer. We then read the next part of the text, this time with our partners. We text marked our new vocabulary as we read. Our reasons to read on this section showed we had understood what we had read 🙂 Our exit ticket allowed us to give our opinion on South Africa, using the text to support our thoughts.