A quick do now to recap some of the language we have been working on before completing a written comprehension. Great use of the text today to find answers 🙂

A quick do now to recap some of the language we have been working on before completing a written comprehension. Great use of the text today to find answers 🙂
Today we used all the knowledge we have gained over our last few expeditionary lessons to create poems on the Blitz. First of all we created an anchor chart together with lots of different language on the Blitz, some examples included damage, emotional, community and homes. We then looked at different nouns that linked to the Blitz. From here we added a verb to each of our nouns. Some of the crew then looked at prepositional phrases and added an example to further develop our sentence. We then went a step further adding some different similes to our poems. There were some fantastic ideas today, great work MI 🙂
In our grammar session today, we deepened our understanding of verbs and learnt about irregular verbs. The root verb in irregular verbs change when writing it in the past tense. For example, the root verb “drink” has to be “drunk” when writing it in the past tense. We did lots of sorting activities where we sorted irregular and regular verbs. We also played bingo which we loved and can’t wait to play it next week!☺️
Today we continued to explore a range of pictures focusing on The Blitz. Todays activity built on our learning yesterday but allowed us to record some of our own thoughts and ideas. We explored a picture then recorded the things we could see. We used the sentence stem I think… to generate our own ideas then wrote down some of our wonders. We then looked closely at 2 pictures where we summarised what we could see, what we thought was happening and what they made us wonder. From here we compared each picture thinking about similarities and differences.
We continue to consolidate our place value knowledge during our do now activities. Today we ordered numbers in ascending and descending order. We then looked at a reasoning problem that we unpicked together.
The main part of our lesson looked at rounding to the nearest hundred which we did really well with. Tomorrow, Mrs Ibbotson will consolidate our learning on this before using the lesson to model some reasoning and problem solving questions. We are looking forward to working in mini crews to discuss and solve these problems.
Today we continued our expeditionary learning and started to find out about the Blitz and the impact it had. We looked at the areas affected by the Blitz and how British civilians responded. One of the activities allowed us to explore different pictures thinking about what we could see, what we thought was happening and what we wondered about the pictures. We showed some great collaborative working during this activity and all shared our ideas during our whip around.
Today we thought about the people we can ask for help and support if needed. We created an anchor chart of these people in school and thought about how they help us. We then listened to a song and thought about the lyrics and the meaning behind the words. We loved unpicking this together and discussing our thoughts. We then had a go at singing the song 🙂 There were so many happy faces as everyone joined in and had a go. There was even a few hugs happening which was so lovely to see. We then thought more about our families and the people that show us support day to day. We voiced what these people do for us and why they are special.
Our do now today allowed us to consolidate our learning when comparing numbers.
Our entry ticket allowed us to get into role as Lenny and write a short letter back home to either mum or dad. We wrote about all the things that had happened so far and this really allowed us to recap events from the story. We enjoyed reading our letters in mini crews and then to the whole crew. We even tried to read them in role. When reading the next part of the story, we used a chorus read, partner read and independent read. We discussed language as we read and thought about Lenny and Mick’s characters in more detail. We used the text during our demonstration comprehension, skimming and scanning for words to support our answers. We worked in mini crews to find evidence from the text, text marking then sharing with our partner. Our exit ticket allowed us to reflect on what we had read thinking about what Lenny and Mick may be saying to each other as they left the garden. We also thought about Lenny’s thoughts and how these had changed.
Today we built on our discussion last week, talking about the members in our family and creating our own family tree. We talked about how our family members support us and how we support our family. We worked in mini crews to create a family alphabet, using each letter to describe how we help our families.