Today we have participated in various scenarios in order to keep us as children safe. Here’s a few snippets of what we got up to…

Today we have participated in various scenarios in order to keep us as children safe. Here’s a few snippets of what we got up to…
In expedition, Crew Wilkinson use sources of evidence around the room to complete independent history research.
Today, we lead our own learning in Crew Wilkinson. We used the text, (Malala Yousafzai: A Voice for Education)to create 3 Reasons To Read questions for our partner to answer. We used our skimming and scanning skills to help us create our questions.
Today in Crew Wilkinson, we had an awesome guitar lesson, and we’re excited to share. Some students loved learning a new chord, while others enjoyed strumming along to a song.It was exciting to hear music come to life!
Today in PE, we worked on our stance, (a stance is the way you place your feet and load your body weight before you hit the ball.) Then we recapped on our forehand and backhand skills from last lesson. All of Crew Wilkinson had so much fun!
Over the past few weeks, we have been working hard mastering different skills involving fractions. In this lesson, we started taking away fractions with different denominators. Before we can continue with the subtraction, we ensured that each fraction was converted to have the same denominator then subtracted the numerators. Finally, if our numerator was larger than the denominator, we would convert the fraction to a mixed number. Amazing work Crew Wilkinson.
The children in Year 2 have loved reading to some of the children in Crew Wilkinson. They are working hard to improve their fluency by reading each day. Keep up the great work everyone!
Today was Written Day where Crew Wilkinson delved deep into the text answering a variety of retrieval, inference and prediction questions about our current text. We then went through our answers as a crew and developed our answers, listening and supporting each other to achieve! What are you reading at home at the moment?
We worked incredibly hard adding mixed number fractions today. Breaking them apart, converting to the same denominator, adding wholes and fractions then converting any improper fractions into mixed numbers. So many steps but we worked hard on our resilience and triumphed. Well done Crew Wilkinson!
As part of our ‘Fight For Our Rights’ expedition, we considered the differences between equality and equity and how that looks in the real world. We looked at how everyone has equal opportunities in life but some may require support for a multitude of reasons and ran a race with this in mind. In mini crews, we then honed in on examples of equality and equity within school and their home lives. Have a look at the examples that we came up with as a crew!