Demonstration Comprehension in Crew Elmer…

Today we began our lesson by critiquing the best answer for the given question, ‘Why had the engineers taken extra care when building the Vostok?’. We then looked through some ‘reasons to read’ together linked to a range of different HOB lenses such as ‘logical meaning making’ and ‘trawling for evidence’. We took it in turns to read the different questions and unpick the vocabulary used to help us to understand what information was required such as, ‘How long…’ meaning that we needed to look for a time (minutes, years, months, years etc.). We used our skimming and scanning skills (with a little help from our rulers and highlighters) to retrieve the answers from the text. Once we had located the information we explained our answers using the evidence that we had found to support our answer (A.P.E). Mrs Elmer then supported us with recording our answers. Mrs Elmer modelled the first one, we did the second one together and then in pairs we had a go at the final one! We then concluded the lesson by sharing our personal opinion on the story.

Crew Elmer’s Attendance Reward!

This afternoon, Crew Elmer got to celebrate being the first Crew, this academic year in KS2 , to have the BEST attendance score or 99.7%. As a treat Mrs Atherton awarded us with some extra playtime in the sunshine as well as a yummy Twix (Proper noun!) to eat and some tasty juice! What a lovely way to end the week! Well done Crew Elmer! Let’s keep this up! 🙂

Book Talk continues in Crew Elmer…

To begin today’s session we recapped some of the new vocabulary that we identified in lesson 1 of Book Talk such as, ‘override’, ‘pacing’, ‘vast’, ‘mesmerised’ and ‘observation’. We ensured that we all knew what the words meant and discussed how they had been used in the text by the author. We then worked with our partners to read the text. We took it in turns to read sentences/paragraphs/whole pages each. We listened and observed carefully so that we could critique how well our partner had used the punctuation such as commas and full stops in the text. We then went through some reasons to read together which required us to use our skimming and scanning skills to allow us to retrieve information from the text. We were fab at this! We then completed a true or false quiz based on what we had read. We then completed the session by listing 3 facts, 2 opinions and 1 question. Another great Book Talk session Crew Elmer! Well done!

Dictionary challenge.

Today in spelling, we were working with a partner to find the word subtle in a dictionary and read the definition aloud. We then wrote a sentence using the word subtle.

Space Art

Crew Elmer have created some beautiful art work of the Sun and Moon.We have used a variety of skills and tools to produce these, including dabbing of a sponge and flicking of a toothbrush to create different elements of our image.


To kick start our expedition, Upper Key Stage 2 were whisked off to the Milky Way within the amazing Wonderdome. We were able to fully immerse ourselves into our solar system, exploring each of the planets and learning in-depth information about the Sun, Earth and Moon. Matt, our space expert, was extremely knowledgable about all things space – past, present and future. We were able to discover that Earth is the only planet that humans can live on as it is in the habitable zone (also known as the Goldilocks zone) where the conditions – temperature, water and oxygen – are just right! We were also taught about the first astronauts to travel into space and land on the moon. Did you know there were THREE astronauts? Interestingly, it wasn’t just Neil Armstrong (the first man to step on the Moon) but it was also Buzz Aldrin, who walked on the Moon’s surface alongside Neil, and Michael Collins, who stayed in the space craft to keep it safe. We were excited to find out that there will be another attempt to travel to the Moon next year, with 4 new astronauts set to orbit the moon!