How does light travel?

During our small group investigation on how does light travels, we used a torch, a piece of string and cardboard with holes. We aligned the holes in the cardboard and shone the torch through them. We noticed that the light only passed through when the holes were in a straight line. When we moved the cardboard or the torch out of alignment the light was blocked. This showed us that light travels in a straight line. The string helped us visualise this straight path, confirming our observation.

Practicing speaking on the spot!

Today, we had just two minutes to rehearse a line from our speeches before delivering them to the class! It was a fun and exciting challenge, pushing us to think quickly and speak confidently. Even with little time to prepare, everyone did an amazing job sharing our ideas. It was a great way to practice speaking on the spot!

Learning a new language.

Today’s French lesson was filled with fun, as we matched pictures of delicious fruits with their French names! From ‘pomme’ to ‘banane’ we practiced pronunciation and made connections through colourful visuals.

Exploring Colour.

Today in Art, we explored and completed a colour wheel. We discovered how colours mix, contrast and evoke emotions. Then we painted two Emoji boards: one with water colours and one with acrylic paint. This helped us to begin to associated colours with emotions and to see how colour effects the mood and storytelling in art.

Together We Grow.

This week in reading, we have been looking at the poem titled “Together We Grow.”

Today, the children performed the poem. Some children recited their verse’s with quiet contemplation, while others brought their lines to life with bold gestures.

Together, they created a beautiful mosaic of voices that truly captured the essence of the poem.

Art, Portraits and Deep Thinking.

We began our second case study (Art) by evaluating and analysing works of art by various artists including some works by Jonathan Yeo. We discussed as a class What we liked about certain portraits and why. During a gallery walk, we then delved deeper into the choices the artist made e.g. the medium the artist used to create the portrait and why as well as questioning the colour choices and the impact these have on the overall composition. To finish, we began to think about why these people were chosen to have their portraits made and, if we were to make our own, who would we choose?

Working on reading pace

LT: To read with increasing speed

Y5 had a challenge to read and understand a short text in under 60 seconds, then they had 4 questions to read and record their answer within 3 minutes. We had great discussions around unknown vocabulary and how to unpick what the unfamiliar words might mean.