KS1 New Expedition

This half term the children will be starting their new expedition – Circle of Life: How will what I do today affect the world tomorrow?

As part of this expedition the children will be completing three case studies:

  • Case Study 1: Science – Animals and their lifecycles
  • Case Study 2: Geography – Weather, seasons, seas and continents
  • Case Study 3 : Art – Recycled sculpture.

Next week the children will be visiting The Deep. Please could we ask that all consents have been completed and lunches ordered. Please contact the office team if you have any queries.

As always, we would love to hear from any local experts. We would really like to hear from anybody who has knowledge of birds, as part of the Big School’s Birdwatch, animals or any geographers.

Throughout the expedition, you can visit the expedition website to see what the children have been learning about and seeing pictures and examples of the completed work.

If your child is isolating, this week’s work can be found by clicking this link. There are some hook activities to complete along with the children in school.

TWITP KS1 13.11.21

What a great week we have had in KS1 celebrating maths week. We’ve all worked hard to produce beautiful work by challenging ourselves to complete some fantastic maths. We’ve incorporated our maths into al, aspects of the curriculum and taken part in some some great sporting activities whilst also using our number knowledge ⚽️ Keep up the great work KS1 and enjoy your weekend ☺️

KS1 Walkathon

We would just like to thankyou 🙏 to everyone involved in ensuring our Walkathon event was a roaring success. We have made a great start towards our £1500 target.

Currently, our total stands at £840 👏, with some sponsorship still to arrive in school. Please could any remaining sponsorship be sent into school this week.

We would like to praise the determination shown by all the children as they worked hard to complete their laps.

Super crew work by all!

Crew Longley – Maths Week in PE

This week, we have been using our maths skills in our PE sessions. First, we have estimated, counted and comparing the number of each exercise we completed.

In our session with Coach Luke, we had to answer maths questions before moving onto the next station.