LKS2 Community Meeting 🥇🏆👏🏫👫

This morning we had our first LKS2 Community Meeting where we invited the parents of those children who were our Learning Legends from last week! It was lovely to share each crews celebrations including ‘crew praises’, ‘HoWLs’, ‘attendance’ and ‘what we’ve done in our crew this week’, as well as ‘Reading Champions’, ‘Star Readers’ and ‘Learning Legends’. Well done to all of those pupils who received a certificate this week! 👏

LKS2 Celebration of Learning Event 🌍⛰🧑‍🎤🎶📖

During Hook Week, as part of The Write Stuff, all of the pupils in LKS2 wrote an invite to invite all family members to our COL event. We then created a shared invite and sent this to our COMMS Team at XP alongside our ‘rasterbator’ creation. Last week, we received our final products to hand out to our grown ups! We were super impressed with them! Hopefully your child has given you one and we would love to see you all on Wednesday 12th July at 2pm.

Healthy Eating Truck Competition

To celebrate Healthy Eating Week, everybody in Year 3 and 4 designed a new Aldi truck to align with their competition in partnership with the Olympics. Across Year 3 and 4, everybody designed a truck for our own mini competition. Everyone worked hard to create a healthy food truck, with unique and wonderful designs which made it hard to choose a favourite from each crew! Well done all of Year 3 and 4!

Crew Pashley- Mariama

Crew FE- Lacey-Rose

Crew Thompson- Charlie R


On Friday, in Crew Pashley, we celebrated Pjarmarama Day by completing different reading activities in our comfy clothes. To kick start our day, we designed new front covers for our hook book ‘The Flood’. Here are just a few of our favourites!

We experienced our very own Carcroft Starbooks, even trying some tasty book themed treats!

To finish off our FUN day, we chose our favourite books to read outside in the sun with a cool ice lolly.

LKS2 Community Meeting 🏫🌟🏆

Today was our last Community Meeting where it will just be us! Next week, we are very much looking forward to welcoming some of our grown ups into our Community Meetings so that we can share all of our amazing learning, celebrations, praises and appreciations!

This week we had lots to celebrate! We celebrated all of those children who took part in our Rounders Competition. Well done everyone! We are all so proud of you! 🏆

We also celebrated all of those children in each crew who read at home the most! 📚 This week’s winning crew was Crew Thompson with a total of 6 crew members reading 5 times last week! Amazing work! 🌟 I wonder which crew will take the crown next week?! 👑 We also celebrated our ‘Star Readers’ who will get to enjoy breakfast with Mrs Atherton next week! 🥐🥤

It was also nice this week to celebrate some of the children’s achievements out of school. This week we had two girls in Crew Thompson who proudly shared their medals 🥇from a recent football ⚽ tournament, where they came first! 🌟 A fantastic achievement! Well done girls! 👏

An amazing week! 🌟 We look forward to sharing more next week!

World Oceans Day! 🌊🌎🐠🦈

Today, in LKS2 as part of Crew, we celebrated World Oceans Day! We began by watching the clip below to learn all about what it is, why it is so important that we protect our oceans and how we can help.

We then shared what we had learnt from the clip and created a class ‘chotting’ sheet. We then used this to create our own ‘World Oceans Day!’ posters to inform others around school how we can protect the Worlds oceans. As you can see, we had lots of great suggestions such as, buy less plastic, put your litter in the bin, recycle, and use reusable bottles, straws and cup cases! We hope that people will consider our oceans more as a result!

MTC Testing! 🥇🏆

This week, lots of our Year 4 pupils have been working really hard on recalling the answers to a variety of multiplication calculations as part of the National Multiplication Timestable Check. The children have worked incredibly hard and have made all of the staff in LKS2 super proud this week! Any children who have not yet completed the test will do so with Mrs Elmer next week on either Tuesday or Wednesday. Any children who are absent will complete theirs the week after. Results will be released to school and shared with pupils, carers and parents on Monday 26th June.

If your child has not completed the test yet then they may want to use some of the links below over the weekend to fully prepare them for next week!

Many thanks to parents, carers and siblings for your continued support around MTC testing this year!