
In Lesson 2, we learnt about the various events that are held in churches and we built background knowledge around some of these. We used the internet to research and made an anchor chart to present back to the rest of the class.

Narrated by Kacey.
Crew Mc has found a passion for RE, (also know as Religion education) as we all enjoy it, especially today. Ethan even joked that RE stood for ‘Really Exciting’ 😃. First off, we started with an entry ticket, trying to remember what we watched about a 11 year old boy named Nathan. Next, we listened to some hymns they sing while worshiping. Max and Brooklyn sang along with Miss and some of us recognised the song.

Then Miss came round with various types of bread: the bread represented Jesus’s flesh/body. The instructions were to thank someone in your life every time you ate a piece of bread – we filled out a HoWL card for these special people we appreciate in our lives. Miss had a smile on her face when she had received one on her desk💕

While eating, we watched a couple videos about ‘The Last Supper’ where Jesus said about how the wine represented blood and the bread represented his body.You might already know this but do you know what a holy communion is? A holy communion a ritual commemoration of Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples. We finished with a de-brief to note down all our new learning to ensure it sticks! 

Narrated by Esme.