Crew Marsh get Arty 👩‍🎨

During our writing lesson, some children access labs of learning to enhance their knowledge of vocabulary which they then use in their pieces of writing. Today the children were shown how to use the iPads to access a QR code which then led to a step by step video teaching them how to draw Little Red Riding Hood. The children worked in pairs to do this and all worked extremely hard to use these new skills and produced a great piece of art work!

Little Red Riding Hood – What did she see?👀👩‍🦰🐺🌳☀️

During todays writing lesson the children were thinking about how Little Red Riding Hood traveled to see her Grandma and what she might have seen during her journey. They used their phonics skills to write the words and used small world figures and blocks to create the cottages. There was lots of great vocabulary during this activity which enabled the children to create brilliant sentences! What a great lesson we’ve had today ✍️

Learning to blend in Crew MW’s phonics

We’ve been working really hard on our learning to blend steps in phonics this week. We’ve been listening to Fred’s Fred talk, blending the sounds into words and then using our magnetic letters to make the words. Once we’ve made them, we’ve used our ‘Fred talk, read the word’ to sound out and read the words back! We’re all going to be super blenders in no time!

Summer Celebration of Learning

A huge thank you to all the parents who joined us for the celebration of learning this afternoon. It was lovely to see so many of you there to share this moment.

The children have been amazing and they always do such a great job. I also love how so many of them take ownership of their part and learn their lines at home.

As mentioned, I am extremely proud of the work the children produced not only for this final product but all of them. A huge well done to them all.

Year 5’s fabulous final product of Summer 23. Enjoy.

Crew MW’s transition day!

Crew MW have had a fantastic transition day! We started with a crew challenge of keep the balloon up in mini crews. The children were fantastic at this!

After that, we explored our new classroom. We found lots of new things to play with and to share with our friends and teachers!

Next, we had story time. We looked at a story called ‘all kinds of people’ and how we are all different but we all belong. We used our mirrors to paint self portraits thinking about the shapes of our faces, colour of our eyes and our hair. Our teachers are saving these to put up on our proud piece walls over summer so that we can show our grown ups on our first day!

Our final activity was exploring our forest school area! We put our wellies on and collected our scavenger hunt checklists with our partner to go and search for different items in the forest area. We had lots of fun collecting the different items and working with our pairs!

We can’t wait to welcome everyone back at the end of August!

Pyjamarama Day in EYFS!

We’ve had so much fun during pyjamarama day in EYFS! We’ve had a teacher swap where some of the teachers from the rest of school came to read us a story which we loved! We’ve also had reading volunteers from KS2 come to read us stories which was so much fun! Finally, we’ve had our grown ups come to share stories with us at the end of the day in the sunshine ☀️