Crew MI were super spellers and practised them on a graffiti wall!

Crew MI were super spellers and practised them on a graffiti wall!
We loved our fraction lesson today where we found equivalent fractions using a fraction wall. We then started to investigate what patterns we could find.
This week we got some new toys for our outdoor area, we got a new slide and a play house! We really like enjoy them both. Look at us practicing our cleaning skills
Before the half term we make Valentine’s Day cards for our grown ups, we used our hands to make a flower, we also used toilet roll tubes to make love hearts! We also practiced our hand writing, look how good we’re see getting with writing our names!✍️
Crew Hamill worked well as a crew making their own lollipop wind charm and they even helped their peers if they were finding it a little bit difficult. Super proud of their be kind HOWL.
Crew Frost really enjoyed making their own Hedgehog Fans and Lollipop Bee’s. They used a range of different materials.
As part of our second case study “keep growing” we have been learning about the different parts of a plant. First we looked at a plant and learnt some new vocabulary including stem, roots, flower and leaves. We then learnt about the important job each part has to ensure the plant thrives.
Some children then went out into our school grounds to see what plants they could see! They even took some photos on the iPad.
In our English lesson today, we started to build up a bank of ideas for the characters in our narrative. We worked in small groups to think about what the characters would say when one of them is an expert and the other is a novice. In our next lesson, we will turn these ideas into speech which we will use later in in our writing sequence.
In science, we have continued our learning about electricity by exploring conductors and insulators.
We discovered that conductors allow electricity to flow through them but conductors stops electricity from flowing through. Children explored materials in the class and recorded their findings. In our next 2 lessons, we will write our findings in a scientific report.
In crew, we’ve been learning about bullying and the impact it has on the children that have to endure it . We discussed the different types of bullying such as physical, emotional or cyber. It was great to hear the discussion between the children and their understanding of the fact bullying is something that happens over time and not just a one off.