Dividing by 10 and 100…

Dividing by 10 and 100…
Today in our expedition lesson we have been scientists and investigating life cycles. We began by ordering the life cycle of a human and then thinking what skills an adult has that a baby doesn’t. We came up with lots of great ideas.
We then completed a matching activity where we linked different animals and their offspring. We noticed that some animals look like their parents but others look completely different.
To hook into our new maths unit on multiplication and division we used mini m&ms to create equal groups and linked this to the multiplication sums. Everyone worked really hard and we were even allowed to eat the chocolate at the end!
After studying the organs involved in digestion, we explored how each one plays a crucial role in breaking down food. We followed the journey food takes through the digestive system and examined what happens at each stage. To deepen our understanding, we conducted an experiment demonstrating the digestion process. Although it got a bit messy, it was an enjoyable and insightful experience!
Before diving into the digestive system, we started by constructing a human body. The children cut out bones and organs, then placed them where they thought they belonged. While we were quite successful in arranging the bones, we needed a bit more guidance when it came to positioning the organs. From there, we focused on identifying the specific organs involved in digesting food.
We are doing lots of reading fluency in our reading lessons. We are continuing to work on our words per minute where we use timers daily to practise. We then answer 3 questions based on gaps from our Autumn assessments and daily written comprehension. We are already showing improvements.
We now have different activities that we work on daily. We move around each day looking at a different activity that will hopefully continue to improve our timestables. Our focus this week is the 9 times table. We are enjoying using the timestable stick to support us 🙂
Today in our experience lesson we pretended to be on a bus. We all bought our tickets from bus driver Nandi and found somewhere to sit. There were people listening to music, drinking their coffee and even reading a book. Unfortunately there were more people than seats so some people had to stand up! We rang the bell and got off at the train station!
I was absolutely blown away by some of the writing today.
As we have been looking at the number 1 in maths, we thought it would be fun to count to 1 and use these skills to create flapjacks!
We had to count out 1 heaped tablespoon of oats, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1 teaspoon of butter. We mixed all the ingredients together and added to a bun case ready for Miss McGlone to put in the oven. We took them home to eat but they smelt delicious!