Caring crew in MI

Today we discussed friendships and what friendship means to us. We talked about what makes a good friend and how we make sure we are a good friend to others. We then took part in a task where we had to communicate with others in the crew, finding someone else who likes doing certain things e.g someone who likes dogs, someone who likes pizza. We enjoyed learning more about each other and talking to each other a little more. We then thought more about how we are all good friends and what we do to show this daily.

Subject and verb

As our do now, we consolidated our learning about regular and irregular verbs as this was an area from out touchdown on verbs that we need to continue drip feeding into our learning.

We have now moved on to new learning in grammar where we need to understand the subject and verb within a sentence. We used a script to help us identify the verb and then who or what was doing the action.

For example: The skull protects the brain.

What is the first verb?
What protects? Who protects?
The skull
Therefore the skull is the subject of the sentence.

This script helped us focus and find the subject.

When we moved on to the subject as a pronoun, we struggled with this so we had a practical lesson where we could form a sentence that made sense then identify the verb and who or what did that action. This helped us understand more and this was evident when children went back to purple pen their exit ticket from the previous lesson and got it correct.

Roles of men and women during Wartimes

In history, we explored the roles of men and women during wartimes. Children learned that everyone played a vital role towards the war effort whether that was on the frontline or on the home front. Children then completed an exit ticket to explain the job they would want and explain why. Teddy gave a great explanation for why he’d want to be making bombs.